Monday, March 31, 2008


Ellie is going from newborn to baby much faster than I thought. She now weighs 9lbs 13oz and is 23 inches long. She grew 1 inch over the last two weeks. I would be wondering what Victoria fed her, if I didn’t see it firsthand. Milk does do the body good. She is too long but to thin for her 3 months clothes.

When changing or feeding her in the middle of the night we try not to interact with her too much. The overnight goal is to feed than back to bed with no playtime or fussing. She has learned this and will try everything to get a reaction from Victoria and I. Smiling, funny faces, kicking her legs, waving her arms, and very cute baby sounds are near impossible to resist.

Monday, March 24, 2008

What happened to my hair?

It was bath time at Ellie’s house tonight. We have been keeping this hair under wraps, but thought it was time to show the world. I think Victoria and I need to get out more.

I had a lapse of judgment when giving her the bath tonight. Baths are to calm the baby down and tonight we filled the bath up with more water so she could float. She was propelling herself backwards with her legs and I started to play “Jet Boat”. It was very quickly pointed out to me, that “Jet Boat” is not relaxing. I will have to save that for another time.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

No Peeps were harmed during the making of this photograph.

Happy Easter to everyone. Ellie has come out of her “egg” shell. She has found her voice, and is getting quite loud when fussy. She has discovered her hands which most often find their way into her mouth. She has begun wiggling herself around in her bassinet and on her blanket on the living room floor. The other night Victoria asked if I had put Ellie in her bassinet with her head up against the top edge. I couldn’t remember, but I usually place her in there with plenty of room around her. Tonight when I went in to check on her, she had mysteriously moved about 6 inches up from where I had put her just a short time earlier. So apparently Ellie has found her legs as well.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Ellie went to the doctors today to get her 6 week immunizations. During the checkup Ellie displayed her strength by scooting forward and hitting her little head on the wall. The doctor was amazed and said she had never seen a baby Ellie’s age display such strength. Ellie took the shots lying down. 3 jabs total, 2 in one thigh and the big one in the other. She cried, but was consoled afterwards by a good feed.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Show Business

Ellie was visiting me at work on Thursday, while Victoria was out getting a haircut. Being a proud dad, I was showing her off to a few friends that didn’t get to see her the week before. One of our sound team spotted her and asked if they could record some of her sounds. Victoria returned and fed her, and then Ellie had her showbiz debut. Making sounds for another baby on the hit television show Outrageous Fortune. She did so well, they want to record her again next time she returns. No money yet, but she is networking.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Drunk on Milk

Ellie loves her milk. She would prefer the milk right from the source, but is getting much better with me giving her a bottle during the night. This will also allow Victoria to go to Yoga in the evenings and not worrying about being home within two and a half hours.

Friday, March 7, 2008


If you are lying on your back with Ellie on your stomach during a warm summer day. It’s not sweat running down your side. This is how Ellie welcomed me home on Wednesday. Victoria was getting ready to go out for dinner with us and I was keeping Ellie calm. I guess I still have lots to learn.

Ellie has been busy, with Coffee group, Babies and mom class, sushi dinner, a walk on the beach at Long Bay, and a trip into Images to see me. Everyone at Images loved her!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ellie is official

Yesterday, Ellie received her New Zealand Birth Certificate in the mail. To Victoria and my surprise the column that states New Zealand citizen by birth is marked yes. Next week all three of us are going to the US consulate in downtown Auckland “to establish an official record of the child's claim to U.S. citizenship at birth” according to the US Consulate. We will be getting her a US and New Zealand passport for travel.

Ellie and Victoria met with the mid wife for the last time earlier this week. Ellie weighs a little over 9 lbs and is doing really well. The mid wife said for Victoria to stop by her office periodically so she can see her and Ellie. She also mentioned to Victoria that she would see her when she is pregnant again. I wonder what their conversation was leading up to that statement.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Ellie decided, with help from her parents, to sleep in her own room last night. She had no problems sleeping and Victoria was able to get more solid sleep. For me there was little difference, as I sleep through almost anything.

She went out to a restaurant on Thursday night with Victoria, my parents, and I. She slept through the whole dinner and didn’t cause any trouble. Her presence was also required at Danielle’s Birthday party today and was a big hit with everyone (Danielle turns 4 on Tuesday).