Saturday, August 30, 2008


Last week while Victoria was busy making Blueberry muffins, I sat Ellie on the counter to watch. For the first time she didn't lean on me for support. I moved my hands further away from her to show Mum.

These pictures were taking Thursday morning down at the beach during Daddy Ellie time.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


As of last week, Ellie started to crawl. In the beginning she would only crawl to something she wasn't allow to have, the television remote. Now, she is crawling towards everything.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Green Tongue

We have not been feeding Ellie lime Jell-O. Just another Ellie moment of putting anything and everything in her mouth.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This is Not Sleeping

Saturday, Ellie was in her cot sleeping. I walked past her room and heard strange noises coming from the other side of the door. Concerned, I opened the door and this is what I found.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cold Morning

We had a very cold Saturday night and Sunday morning the house was cold enough for multiple layers, even though the heater had been on since 5 am. Ellie and I were bundled up waiting for the sun to heat up the house while keeping busy making breakfast for mum (cinnamon and sugar English muffins).

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

Mummy surprised Ellie with bubbles last week. Ellie stared in amazement at these floating objects for some time until she realized that if she didn’t pop them they would pop on her.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Playing with Dolls

Ellie loves rolling around on the floor holding her toys or chewing on the furniture. In the morning Victoria places toys in different spots around the floor so Ellie will have something to aim for. This is also encouraging her to crawl, which can't be that far off. She is now able to push herself backwards, but doesn't realise what is happening other than she is further away from her toys.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ellie Everywhere

Ellie can't keep still now that she knows how to roll around. Just yesterday, she figured out how to turn in a circle on her tummy so that she can face herself in any direction she wants to go.

This picture was taken over a 10 minute period. All the movement is her doing.