Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The camera points at Ellie. Charge! Unlike others in the family that duck, turn, or run away from the camera (you know who you are) Ellie goes straight for it. She is fast now that she is crawling on all fours and usually gets to the camera before I can take a picture. I lucked out on this one.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm not sleepy

Ellie’s cot has been at the bassinet level since she started sleeping in it. But when Victoria and I went in to her room two Saturdays ago we found her standing up leaning on the bar, all excited about her accomplishment. The next day she was rewarded by sleeping in the cot at the “Big Girl Level”.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My What Big Teeth You Have

With a little coxing from Mum, Ellie shows her teeth to the camera. She now has 4 teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. Ellie’s top right tooth was first, and then you started to feel to upper left as you could see the bottom right. They both broke through at the same time, with the bottom left coming in last. Too Mum’s and my enjoyment, Ellie has taken up grinding her teeth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pine Needles

There are so many new things to discover outside our house. Ellie wasn’t too sure about the bark on the tree at first but then she found the pine needles and was happy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Water Everywhere

Splashing, chewing floating animals, rolling over, and any possible way to get me wet makes bath time one of Ellie’s favorite activates. For me, Ellie soaking in the tub is the only way to get all the food off of her.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Remote?

Ellie now can pull herself up using the couch. Victoria was the first to witness this, and I had my chance this weekend.

Victoria and I were busy cleaning off Ellie’s highchair when I noticed her preparing to stand up using the couch. I grabbed the camera and took a picture.

Then I turned back to Victoria and the highchair, when we noticed the television channel changing. We looked back at Ellie, who was very proud of her accomplishment. She had pulled herself up, standing next to the couch, and was able to grab the remote. If you look closely at the remote, you will see Ellie's slobber all over it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally Sun

The sun is out and Ellie knows that means outside playtime. Watch out, she is very quick and everything ends up in her mouth. Don’t ask how I know that!

Ellie has teeth coming in, but doesn’t like showing them off. I will try again this weekend to get a picture, but no promises.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Black Beans

Sunday night Ellie started eating solid food. Victoria and I feed her black beans while she sat with us at the dinner table. Then she tried to feed herself but not much made it in her mouth. Her reward was a good long bath after dinner.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ellie has finally figured out how to eat crackers. For the longest time, you would give her a cracker and she would chew it, and then take it out of her mouth. Now she is happy sitting in her chair eating crackers while Mum prepares her meal.