Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Almost Christmas

Ellie is helping preparing Uncle Matt and Aunt Kathy's house for Christmas. Victoria did a great job putting the lights on the tree as Mom was getting the ornaments out. Ellie was tasting a Christmas Bell to check it's quality.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I can hear myself

Ellie is talking all the time with many different sounds. She has found that if she covers her ears she can hear herself talk. It is very funny.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Parade

Ellie was treated to her first Christmas parade. The parade took place on Main Street, in Huntington Beach. It was only 20 minutes long, but Santa did find time in his busy schedule to make it. Ellie love it. She was so excited, she loved hearing the band and seeing all the people. Our nephew, Andrew was busy trying to get as much candy as he could and went home with his pockets full.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We Made It

After a long day and night, we made it safe to my parents house. Ellie had some time to explore, play with her new toy (Thanks Mom!) and look at the dogs. The pictures are of her first meal in LA and also the first time eating turkey.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Airplane ride

Ellie did so well on the 11 hour plane ride to LA. We found a kid play area in the lounge in New Zealand while we were waiting to board the plane. Ellie was playing with other kids and enjoy all the different toys. Then we made it on the plane with all our bags and Victoria (SuperMum) set up Ellie’s car seat and pulled out some new toys for Ellie to play with. Ellie stayed awake through dinner then fell asleep for the night. She woke for breakfast then fell asleep again and slept through the landing. No crying at all!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Not Feeling Well

Poor Ellie wasn’t feeling too well before our trip to the states. Victoria felt so sorry for her, but was thrilled that Ellie fell asleep on her. That is something Ellie hasn’t done since she was a newborn.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Round Blocks Taste Better

Ellie will always go for the round blocks as she destroys your block creation. I am not sure why that is. If you use a round block in the middle of your tower, she will grab that one and watch the tower fall. She now knows that the blocks make a loud noise when they fall and usually closes her eyes as they are falling.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nothing but Fruit

Ellie loves fruit. Apples, grapes, oranges, bananas, peaches, kiwi fruit…she doesn’t discriminate. She would eat only that if we let her. She certainly has a sweet tooth. Kinda like her mummy.