Monday, March 30, 2009


Victoria has been very busy packing everything we don’t need into boxes, preparing for our move this weekend. Ellie being the huge help she is, has been watching and learning from Victoria. At first she watched Victoria pack away most of her plastic containers and Sippy cups. Then she would help by trying to take a drink for each and every Sippy cup that was packed and then helped even more by placing her Sippy cup with water in the box. Yesterday, she was handing different things to Mum to pack in a box.

On the other hand, I have been busy spinning Ellie around on a flat cardboard box and then turning it into a tunnel for her to crawl through.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Don’t think for a minute Ellie is relaxing on the couch. I was taking pictures of her playing with the Lacing Cheese Learning game (you can see the mouse in Ellie’s hand) when she threw herself backwards on the couch. She only stayed still long enough for me to take the picture then she stood up and started bouncing on the couch.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trolley Adventures

Ellie loves her trolley. Once at the beach she will load it up with a snack, her or mum’s water bottle, shells, and possible a pine cone. Off she goes. After 15 steps she will turn around wave bye to us and tell us something that she clearly understands but we don’t. Then she turns back around and heads off. We have no idea how far she would wander, but it’s much further than we would let her go. Then one of us goes running after her and turns the trolley around and points her in the direction of the beach blanket. Ellie then finds her way back, just to repeat the whole thing again.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Never Enough Water

Being water conscience and not wanting to waste the water she pours out of the table, Ellie takes advantage of the wet and slippery deck by sliding around on her belly. When that gets boring she stands next to the table and puts her head in the water, then proudly shows off her dripping face.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tiger, Where?

Ellie is sporting the new and fashionable “Tiger” look. I know I shouldn’t annoy the baby, but sometimes it’s funny. She couldn’t figure out where the tiger was, but she knew something wasn’t quite right.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Climbing into Trouble

Ellie has mastered climbing on to the sofas. She likes to climb up, get our attention and then jump up and down. She brings toys up with her and watching them fall of the back of the sofa. We are trying to teach her that she should sit on the sofa, but she thinks it’s a place for fun.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Water Everywhere

Ellie now has an outside play table. It has two compartments, one for sand and one for water. At the moment, we have filled both sides with water. She has the best time splashing and pouring the water everywhere. You can see in the picture how much water has landed on the floor and her dress. After playing in the water, she needs to be changed into dry cloths.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Attack the Little People

Fisher Price Little People need to beware. They move calmly to the door of the doll house and ring the door bell. Then a giant hand throws the door open and grabs them. Sometimes they are able to escape, other times they get forced into the house, and if they are really bad they get thrown in the lion’s den. Yes, we also the Fisher Price Zoo. The poor Little People.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Ellie loves tunnels. She can spend 10 minutes just going back and forth in the tunnel. She laughs, makes her happy growl sounds, and sticks her face out the holes. You can see that Mum is also enjoying the tunnel.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Morning Hair

Poor Ellie has inherited my bad morning hair. Thanks Mum for taking this picture!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Getting Taller

Ellie can reach higher than ever before. Yes, that also means she can get in more trouble than ever before. We stopped moving items higher and started to teach her what she can and cannot touch. Wish us luck! In the picture you can see Ellie lining up her Little People in the windowsill.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Its summer, the house is hot and Ellie is moving everywhere. We can’t trust her to stay off the stairs and we need the living room door open to get some air moving through the house. The gate was our only option. Don’t worry, she doesn’t normally cry at the gate. Its only when the camera is on the other side.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Food Beard

Ellie enjoys feeding herself. She has no problem with grapes, blue berries, bananas, ham, crackers, cereal puffs, and bread. Then when the soft mushy food comes along, things get really messy. Ellie had a long soak in the bath after this meal.