Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Animals that say “Baa”

Did you know that sheep are not the only animals to say “Baa”? According to Ellie; horses, dogs, cows and sheep all say “Baa”. The only animal so far that doesn’t is a bird.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Who’s Chicken?

Ellie was visiting her friend Susie last weekend. We went over in the afternoon and helped them pick feijoas off the ground, while trying not to eat to many of them. Susie started eating them first and Ellie just couldn’t wait for hers. Then the girls went over to see the chickens. This was Ellie’s first time up close to the chickens. She wasn’t scared at all, even though they were out of the cage and coming toward her looking for food.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sitting in a Big Chair

Sometimes I forget how small she really is.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ellie’s Sad Face

Ellie is rarely sad and I can’t remember why she has a sad face. But as a good photographer I took the picture before comforting her. I joke about this, as it makes me sad to see her unhappy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trouble with Water

Victoria and I were busy in the kitchen preparing a meal for the 3 of us last Sunday. Ellie was in her high chair waiting to be served, since she never misses a meal. Victoria turned around to see Ellie’s tray full of water. The lid wasn’t on correctly and Ellie poured the water out and was having the best time splashing and drinking the water off her tray, while trying to be quiet. She loves water!

Monday, May 4, 2009

All dressed up and ready to go

If the door is not locked Ellie can reach the handle and let herself out. She can touch the lock, but at this point is unable to turn it.

She loves being outside and playing with everything, from the lock on the gate that makes a clanging sound to her trolley that get pushed everywhere. It is going to be a long winter trying to keep her inside and out of the mud!