Friday, July 31, 2009


One of our neighbor’s sheep just had two lambs. We were lucky enough to get to go over and see them when they were two hours old. Ellie didn’t understand that she was to stand still and not chase after them. There are more lambs on the way and hopefully more pictures as these are not the best.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Coming Home

I am never sure what I am going to come home to each day.

Ellie will honk the horn on her car and you are meant to get on it, so she can push or chase you around the house.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


It has taken me a little while to figure out what to do with Ellie on Wednesday mornings at our new house. Before, I would take her for a walk to the beach or the playground in her pram. Out here I don’t have that choice and Ellie would rather be in control and walk.

Our Wednesday morning start with an egg breakfast with some sort of toast. (Ellie always wants and says Toast) Then picking out an outfit that will work with the waterproof overalls (Victoria makes this much easier as the outfits are put together and I just have to pick one). I chase her around the house and give her piggy back rides that always start and end with “more”. Then outside we go, rain or shine. We usually go and see the horse and then walk to the top of the driveway to get the mail. Back down the drive we go, with a little help from me as she hasn’t quite grasped walking down hill yet. Playing with the gate, running away from me in the backyard, exploring the shed and other gates and finding the ball are all possible options next. Finally she will find mud or water and stop to have a play. I hope she enjoys Wednesdays as much as I do.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Ellie has always helped me with the laundry. She loves to pull the cloths out of the basket and hand them to me so I can place them on the rack, or at least pull them out of the basket. For the first time a few days ago, she took the cloths out of the basket and proceeded to hang them up all by herself. She is such a big help.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ellie’s New Game

Ellie is been more adventurous lately, now she can walk on the muddy wet grass without falling too much. She has learned how to open and close the paddock gates as long as they are not latched. The long paddock gate is heavy and Ellie can’t close it, but she can now climb up it. I then push Ellie back on forth on the gate. When I stop, she signs and says “more”. Then I push her a few more time. Then she says “more”. This could go on for a long time!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Ellie surprises us each day with new words and actions. On the stairs, she either slides down the whole flight with one push on her tummy or she sits on her bum and bounces down the stairs making a funny sound at each step. She can sing “Row Row Row” and “Tic Toc”. She starts the song and then listens to us sing. Then before we complete a verse she is starting the song again. Today she pushed her little table and both chairs to the kitchen and proceeded to sit and watch Mum make dinner.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bowl not Applesauce

Tonight at dinner Ellie said “more” and then pointed to her applesauce. Victoria, encouraging Ellie to use her words, pointed at Ellie’s bowl and said “What’s this?” Meaning what was in the bowl. Ellie looked at what Victoria was pointing at and very matter of factly said “bowl”. Not applesauce. We were both surprised. This was the first time she has said bowl which is a word that we have never practiced with her and didn’t know she even knew. Victoria said “Well you can't argue with that” and gave Ellie as much applesauce as she wanted.

Monday, July 6, 2009

More and More Rain

It seems that the rain hasn’t stopped for the last two weeks. The sun has even come out, but the rain didn’t stop. Our water tank is almost full and there is mud everywhere.

Ellie could care less about the rain as long as she can go outside and play. She has learned the rain routine. She gets a big smile on her face and waits at the door when I start gathering up all the waterproof gear. Ellie and I put all our gear on, good thing I have waterproof pants, and go outside. We went for a walk to see the horse and then I pushed her up and down the driveway in her trolley.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chasing Ducks

There has been a pair of ducks playing in a mud puddle in the back paddock. They are funny to watch with their heads bobbing up and down. Ellie has spotted them many times and we went out for a closer look. With Ellie not being very quiet, we didn’t get very close before they moved down the hill.