Monday, August 31, 2009


Ellie is starting to figure out how to climb up on things. She can conquer most chairs, climb up the outside of her cot, and knows where her step stool is for stepping up to wash her hands. Outside, we don’t have any trees for her to climb but we have plenty of fences that keep live stock out and Ellie in (not for much longer).

Friday, August 21, 2009


Now that Ellie is getting older, she can play with more challenging toys without realizing that she is learning at the same time. Only if they had a toy like this to learn French, I would be set!

On a side note: If you say “circles” to Ellie she will spin around.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eating Skills

Ellie’s has greatly improved her eating skills. She likes using a fork or spoon to eat with. She is able to eat cereal in milk by herself and is still working on her yogurt skills. She also likes using a napkin and will wipe her face when we give it one to her.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Angelica, Sophia and Ellie at play

The girls all loved the tractor and trailer. Ellie was comfortable with Angelica and Sophia driving her around the paddocks, since their drive ability has improved over the three weeks they had been at the house. It was fun to watch the girls interact. Ellie was talking and making faces with the girls and Sophia was showing Ellie how to scream.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Ellie has been busy playing with her new kitchen set. She uses the sink to wash her blocks and sticks her head in the refrigerator door to look out the oven or washer opening.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Helping Out

Angelica, Sophia, and Ellie were all helping in the yard on Wednesday. Ellie was acting more like a supervisor checking on what the girls were doing, making sure she wasn’t missing out of something fun. Ellie would go over to the tractor and point and say “tractor and more”. Then she would climb up on the tractor and play around then say “up” to be lifted into the seat. Once the trailer was full, Ellie would have to trade the driver’s seat to one of her cousins and then ride in the trailer.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Introducing Spike

Spike arrived Sunday with Victoria, Sophia, and Angelica. Ellie was very surprised and curious to see the kitten. The next morning, Ellie woke and started to meow. Then proceeded to look everywhere for the kitten until we showed her where Spike was hiding.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ellie is enjoying time with her cousins, Angelica and Sophia. She will go in their room with a book, sit on their beds and read with them. This picture was taken in the early morning when Sophia wasn’t ready to get up and Ellie wanted to read.

Monday, August 3, 2009


You’re never too young to start helping out on the farm. Ellie went into the shed to get the bucket and then helped gather some lemons that had fallen to the ground.