Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everyone Naps

In between the rain storms, Ellie and I went out for a walk. On went the gum boots and Ellie was off splashing in all the puddles, which she has been calling “bath”. Then we were off to find the horse. Ellie was a little confused to see the horse lying down and I explained to her that everyone, including horses, take naps and some even sleep a full two hours unlike Ellie that day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ball Tent

Victoria loaded up Ellie’s ball tent with plastic balls and some pillows for her to play with, since the weather wasn’t that nice outside. What Victoria didn’t know was that Spike though this was all for him. He loved playing in the tent and he would chase the balls around that Ellie threw. Ellie was busy saying “ball, ball, ball” and Spike was going crazy running, jumping and attacking the balls.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Ellie is amazing in so many ways. She is learning new words so fast, both Victoria and I can’t keep track. She is even putting words together now, “cup of tea” and “there he is” when she sees Spike. She loves spike. They chase after each other and he will come running when she says “meow, meow”. She loves dancing to music and can finally jump up off the ground.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Bark, not the sound a dog makes but wood chips for the garden. Ellie watched mum scatter bark on the ground and thought it look like too much fun to pass up. Her scattering bark was more like tossing the bark randomly on the ground.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Little Helper

Ellie is excited to be helping more around the house. (She just wants to do what Mum and Dad are doing). She now helps us empty the plastic-ware out of the dishwasher and places it in the cabinet.

I stacked the cups in groups of two when I handed them to her. It was her idea to separate and line them up in the cabinet.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What to Say?

Ellie, Mum’s hat, a car seat, the tractor and an old shed. What a strange moment! The picture is so much better than the story that goes with it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Body Parts

Ellie knows many body parts; head, hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, hands, fingers, tummy, tummy button, feet, toes, back, and bottom. Just be careful not to be very close if she is pointing to your eye, as you will get a finger in it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

More Lambs

Last weekend, we counted over 12 new lambs in our neighbor’s paddock. It has been fun for the whole family to watch as the lambs are bouncing around and making plenty of noise. Even from inside the house we can hear them and Ellie says “baa” back to them.