Sunday, January 31, 2010

Turning 2

Ellie had her second birthday today.  She can tell you that she is 2, but if you count the fingers she is holding up she is anywhere from 2 to 9.  Mummy made an incredible train cake for Ellie, which was a big hit.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ellie’s hair is now long enough to be put into either a ponytail or pigtails.  Ellie knows the difference between the two and will inspect your work in a mirror.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Ellie identifies many things when we are driving.  She knows where the different animals live (cows, sheep, and deer) and also remembers where she has seen fires (farm burn offs).  She also recognizes the way to her friends’ houses and will start calling out their names before we arrive.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Last month we took off the front rail of Ellie’s cot to convert it to a big girl bed, before actually buying a bed.  She has only fallen out once and landed on the pillows Mummy had strategically placed below.  

Normally, when she wakes up, we can hear her playing with her dolls and then bangs and shakes the door when she is ready to leave of her room.  This day she decided to be helpful and rearrange her dresser.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Our lemon tree is full of lemons and we are waiting for them to ripen before picking them.  Ellie couldn’t wait any longer, so I found a small one that was all most yellow.  Ellie wanted to eat it just like she eats the fruit off her friend’s trees, so to the house Ellie and I head to wash her prized lemon.  Then I slice it and serve it to her.  She made the funniest faces!  “Sour Sour”.  She learned to take a bite of lemon and then quickly drink water from her bottle.

Friday, January 8, 2010


There are some afternoons where Ellie just sleeps and sleeps.  Even going in to her room and taking pictures doesn’t seem to wake her.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Ellie wants to be doing everything mummy and daddy are doing including putting on mummy’s make up.  She is very lucky that mum shares her power and a brush with her.  Ellie seems to be a little confused on where to apply the makeup, or this is a new trend that we old people just don’t understand?  Does anyone else put make up on their toes and ears?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ferry Ride


Ellie had her first experience on a boat this week.  We took her into city, downtown Auckland, by ferry instead of driving.  She enjoyed the boat ride and said we were going to “Daddy’s city” (Victoria tells her that Daddy works in the city).   Ellie was fascinated by the Christmas window display at Smith and Caughey.  She spent 30 to 45 minutes just looking in the windows and listening to the Christmas Music.