Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fairies like Cereal

Ellie wanted to wear her fairy wings down to Breakfast.  She went into the pantry, stood on her stool and pick out here bubble cereal.  She didn’t want to wait for me to pour it into the bowl, so she helped herself.   At least fairies use spoons when eating the cereal out of the container.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Always Helping

I was busy installing a phone line to the spare bedroom the other day when Ellie came home from a friend’s house.  She was exciting to see Dada working.  She came right over, grabbed some tools and sat down.  I was trying to attach the wires in the box and had my head close as the wired are small but I was blocking Ellie’s view.  She said “Dada, Ellie see” and then proceeded to move my head out of the way.  I then took a short break and tried to explain what I was doing and what the tools were for.  As I was finishing up I gave her the job of screwing the cover back on, which she enjoyed!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Ellie is a school girl now.  She goes two mornings a week and seems to love it.  There is a lot of talk about the swings and the sand box.  On her last trail day with mum, Ellie decided school was great after getting a cupcake for one of the kid’s birthday.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fun with Balloons

Ellie has been fascinated with balloons lately.  She knows where we keep them and will open the closet door and say “Ellie balloon, balloon Ellie, please”.  She can’t blow them up herself yet, but she does try.  I showed her that balloons can sing and she thought it was funny, that air comes rushing out and blows in her face when  you don’t hold on tight.   We also experimented with chalk.  Did you know that when the balloon is big, you can’t really see the chalk face, but as you slowly let out the air the face appears?  Ellie and I did this for atleast 10 minutes.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Alana gave Ellie pink water wings for Christmas.  Any time we talk about things flying, birds and planes, Ellie wants her wings.  She will even flap her arms! She has no idea that they are for the pool. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ellie Clips

The other morning, Ellie asked me for the basket that contains her hair clips, necklaces, bracelets and hair ties.  Then she proceeded to ask “Please Dadda”.  This is what happens when Ellie and Daddy are left alone.