Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mustard On Toast

Ellie has moved on from butter, jam or Vegemite on her morning toast and now enjoys mustard.  Not just any mustard, it has to be the wholegrain variety made in France.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Who need pants when saying good bye to a best friend.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Feeding Baby

As we were making breakfast for Ellie, she fed Baby.  She went into her playroom to get the food, lined it all up and placed Baby in her chair. Then proceeded to feed her until Ellie's breakfast was ready.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rabbit Hunt

It was early in the morning before breakfast when I happened to see two large rabbits hopping around in the paddock.  Ellie and I decided that we needed to go on a rabbit hunt that was more like a rabbit chase to Ellie.  Don’t worry about the rabbits, as Ellie makes plenty of noise, there is no chance of us getting anywhere close to them and the cat doesn’t help either.  By the time we started down the paddock the rabbits were nowhere to be found. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Snow and Mountians

Our next trip was to the mountains for a little sledding, snow ball throwing, and snowboarding for daddy.  We stayed in a house that we were sharing with Ellie’s little friends and their families.  Ellie decided that she was finished sleeping about 1am the first night and kept us both up, which made for a very long day.  The first day up the mountain it was very windy with little snow. The picture above was the first day with Ellie getting ready for the wind and snow.  The weather was much better the second day so the Dad’s went up earlier to get a ½ day of snowboarding in and then met up with everyone else around lunch time.  Victoria made a snow tunnel that some of the kids were going through and others were throwing snow balls.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Ellie and I surprised Victoria this weekend with an early surprise birthday present. Two alpacas!  Many of you might be thinking, why would we get alpacas for Victoria, but why not?  Actually, Victoria went on a school field trip with Ellie a few months ago to an alpaca farm and has wanted them ever since.  We even had the alpaca people out to look at our property to make sure that our paddock was suitable for them.  With the help of our friends, we made the necessary changes to the fence on Saturday evening and then the alpacas arrived Sunday morning.

Just a note: I jumped ahead in the blog entries, to share this with you and will jump back to the correct order. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Holiday Time - Part 6

The trip to the lake was enjoyed by all.  Ellie had 8 days of playing in the water and getting many, many shirts and pants wet.  She loved it!  We got home on Sunday and we are off again on another trip on Saturday, this time to the snow.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Holiday Time – Part 5

It was a rainy day and it didn’t look like the rain was going to stop, so we all jumped in the cars for a drive into town.  The kids had a play at the playground and then for a snack, we all went to our favorite coffee shop.