Monday, November 29, 2010

Finding our Christmas tree

We went to our local Christmas tree farm to pick out this year’s tree.  Ellie wanted a pink tree, but the tree farm only had green ones!  After running around all the trees and asking about a few very tall trees she picked the one pictured.  Then she used as much paint as she could, to paint the trunk of our tree so no one else would take it. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Ellie is getting very confortable climbing on the gate now.  She will climb up and go from one side of the gate to another and then sit on the post and watch the alpacas.  Last night was the first time I had ever seen her swing her one leg over the top of the gate and sit straddling on the top.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Recreating old pictures

Ellie was sitting in the chair next to the white tables that she sat inside as a baby.  I mentioned to her that when she was a baby she sat in the table and I took a picture.  She wanted to see the photo, so I found it on the blog.  Ellie thought the picture was funny and wanted to try sitting in them now.  So she studied the old picture and posed for a new picture.  Then she picked a few more to recreate.

This post is jumping back about 3 weeks, before her new haircut.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ellie Taller

Ellie is 3ft 2inches or 98.5cm.

Tonight Ellie was talking at the dinner table and said “(she would) Get really tall and turn into a boy and have whiskers”.  This started a conversation about what Ellie was going to do when she was older and taller. (She always talks about being taller, so she can change the light bulbs.)

Here are some of her thoughts, in her words:
Swim with mummy and daddy; not bunnies, kitty or packas
Surf with Daddy, and not packas have no arms, share pink surf board
Going to fly with mummy and packas when get older
Drive tractor by myself, cut big grass
Climb mountains with daddy and little mountians
Going to get really tall with Mummy and packas and my costume has a little tail (Halloween)
Change light bulbs when verrrry tall
Daddy snowboard, not ellie she skies with arms (arms moving up and down – with handles?)
Ride big girl bike and scooter

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween Party

Ellie, a tiger, celebrated Halloween with all her friends, a clown, cat, pumpkin, Kiwi bird, fairy and others.  Thanks to all of Victoria’s hard work and preparations the party was a hugh success.  The kids played games and ate plenty of treats.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Can you guess what Ellie was for Halloween?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Duckling

Victoria, Ellie and I were outside feeding the bunnies, when Victoria noticed Spike coming up the neighbor’s paddock.  As Spike came closer, you could see he had caught something and was bringing a new friend/playmate home.  Victoria started chasing Spike when he came to our side of the fence and Spike dropped his friend, which turned out to be a very young duckling from the neighbor’s pond. 

The duckling seemed OK and Ellie was happy looking after it, while we prepared to return it.  Ellie then placed the duck in a plastic box with hay and we carried the duck back to the pond. (This sounds much easier than it was.  I carried the duck and Ellie up the drive and then down the neighbor’s drive before Ellie started walking down the paddock.) We reached the pond and let the little duckling go.  Ellie was happy to see him walk back towards us, before hearing the mummy ducks quack.