Thursday, March 31, 2011

Meerkat Tunnels

Ellie loves going to the zoo and watching all the animals and if we are not at the zoo, we play zoo at home by making a pen for all her animals out of blocks or Legos.  She normally goes with Mummy and friends during the week, but this time we all went on a Saturday.  This is a picture of Ellie climbing up a ladder in the Meerkat tunnels to peek into their enclosure; the only problem was the Meerkats weren’t playing along.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Showing Off

After her graduation, Ellie wanted to show Mummy and I something she has learned at school.  No, it wasn’t academic, but we were still proud!  As you can guess from many of the last pictures, she doesn’t like to wear shoes.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ellie graduated from her little kid class and is now going to the big kid class at her school .  The few weeks before her graduation, Ellie was spending time over at the big kid classroom getting comfortable with the transition.  (I think Mum was having a harder time than Ellie!)  Ellie’s teacher gave a little speech and had muffins for the kids.  Then Ellie and her classmates planted a fruit tree in the school’s orchard.

Ellie is the one in the brown dress and white hat.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Red Tongue

The months of January and February were filled with birthday parties.  We had at least one a week, if not more.  Ellie is enjoying all the cake and the extra play time with all her friends.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Camping Time Again

This time, just the three of us went camping.  This didn’t stop Ellie from having fun and playing with other kids.  She found 2 girls her age in the tent next to us and the three of them didn’t leave each other’s side the whole weekend.

Ellie was trying to step on Victoria's shadow in the middle picture.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


If you look closely at the picture you can see Ellie is holding a lollie in her hand while sleeping.  She has had it for about 2 days and this day she put it in her pocket to take shopping and was holding it in her hand during the drive home.  She even fell asleep in the car and was carried in the house and still managed to hold on to it.  Then a few hours later she ate it.

Ellie was given this special lollie (candy) by Alana, my assistant, at work on her last visit.  Ellie was following Alana all over the building and at the time, Ellie had already had another lollie earlier therefore she had to save this one for later.