Monday, October 31, 2011


Up, Ellie climbs.  Until a few months ago, Ellie would climb the fence or a few other objects but didn’t find much interest in climbing.  Now, she wants to climb everything.  She will stand up on her swing, climb the rope latter and has just started to climb on top of her play house.  Too bad she hasn’t figured out how to climb back down.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flowers Blooming

The bulbs that Ellie helped Grandma and Granddad plant last time they were out are blooming.  Ellie checks the flowers every few days to see if there are any new ones and has reported to her grandparents that a bug was eating some of the flowers.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rock Washing

Any reason Ellie can find to play in the water is a good reason to her.  Here she is washing off the rocks she found earlier in her playground.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Strange Conversations

Last weekend Victoria asked “Where is my hair tie?” and Ellie and I responded “On top of the ceiling fan.” 

Background: Earlier in the morning, when we were still in bed Ellie stretched and launched the hair tie and it had landed on the ceiling fan.  She was amazed that she was able to get it to fly so high.

Monday, October 17, 2011

No Hand Swinging

Ellie will happily swing for as long as she can.  She can now get herself going from the stopped position, even though she will ask for a big starting push.  She likes showing off and will swing without holding on and has tried swinging standing up.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Computer Painting

While computer painting isn’t as dirty or fun as real painting, Ellie gets excited when she can use the computer.   We help her change brushes and colours and leave the creative part up to her.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rabbit Hat

The picture says it all!

Friday, October 7, 2011

After Helping with the Alpacas

After helping the alpaca’s find the long grass in the garden, Ellie went back to her two favorite outdoor activities; swinging and picking flowers.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alpaca’s and Ellie helping

The first step to preparing our vegetable garden was to get rid of the high grass.  We thought this would be a good job for the alpacas.  The garden area doesn’t directly connect to the paddock, so we had to put up a temporary fence.
Ellie helped put the tape fence up and tested out the path from the paddock to the garden.  Then she called through the fence to the alpacas and told them to follow the leader, which was her.  She then proceeded to walk again from the paddock to the garden.  The alpacas watched her and when they didn’t follow she started to talk to them about how they needed to play the game with her.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Finding “R”

Ellie went on a hunt around the house to find all the “R” she could.  This included the letter “R” on objects and things that started with “R”.  Then Ellie worked on some action verbs that started with “R”, running and rolling.