Friday, March 30, 2012

Ellie meets Cooper

After watching Mummy’s tummy grow for 9 months, Ellie finally met Cooper today.  She looked him for a few minutes than opened a present Cooper gave to her. She wanted to touch him but was nervous.  She then wanted to hold him but decided it would be better if mum would hold him for the picture.  When asked what she thought of Cooper, she whispered in my ear that she liked him and then said in a whisper she loved him.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Ellie was very proud that she completed this puzzle on her own and asked me to take a picture of it for the blog.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Good Night Kiss

I went in the kiss Ellie late one night after work.  She seemed awake, her eyes were opened.  After a kiss and a cuddle, she said “Yummy Stuff”.   In the morning, I told her what she had said and she then told me she was dreaming of dinner!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ellie's Words

"When my baby brother is in the way, I will quickly jump over him"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sleeping Suprise

Ellie was sounds asleep when Victoria and I checked in on her but we didn’t expect to find her like this.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Picking Out Cloths

After picking out many different outfits over 5 minutes for Ellie to wear to school and her not liking them.  We finally agreed on one and Ellie said to me "Lucky you just knew what I wanted".

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ahoy Matey

Ellie was excited to go to a friend’s pirate birthday party in her special pirate costume, thanks to Mummy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Preparing for Cooper (Giraffe Kiwi Bird)

Victoria has been busy preparing for Cooper’s arrival; Ellie has been doing her part.  She has helped replace batteries in the toys and tested Cooper’s baby play gym.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tomatoes from our Garden

Ellie is enjoying the tomatoes from our garden.  She doesn’t give Victoria or I a chance to eat the cherry tomatoes, most of them don’t even make it out of the garden.

4 year old checks

Ellie had her 4 year old checks yesterday and passed with flying colours.  She is 108 cm tall (42.5 inches or 3 ½ feet) and weighs 20kg (44 pounds).

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Boots

From outside I hear, “Daddy look at my new boots!”

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ellie’s 4th Birthday

Ellie had her 4th birthday party at the aquarium with her 15 closest friends.  She was so excited and told everyone about her party.  She loved getting splashed, while feeding the fish.  She will tell you that one of her friends little brothers didn’t like getting wet but she did.  Ellie was so happy that Mummy made her a dolphin fin to wear on her head and didn’t take it off the entire day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photo Helper

Ellie was adamant that she was going to help me take a picture of this old photograph for a friend.  The problem was the glass in the frame was very, very reflective and I had to try to find a place where I wouldn’t see anything other than the picture and it being an old picture we couldn’t take it out of the frame.  Ellie was to be helping by holding up the black reflector but during the process she decided she wanted to be in the picture.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Birds in the Tree

After having a picnic in the park and taking some photos, we noticed a tree filled with birds.  Ellie was fascinated and asked to have her picture taking with all the birds.