Monday, May 28, 2012

Spa with Friends

Nothing is better than a nice hot spa after a cool swim in the pool except jumping back in the cold pool to splash around before heading back to the warm spa.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


The sun is out and there is chalk to be used.  We made Ellie a giant chalk rocket that had planets and stars above it.  Ellie jumped in and started flying it to Saturn.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Water Safety Week

During water safety week, Ellie’s school had a discussion about water safety and she received a pamphlets and a balloon which has lasted a long time.  Then at her swimming lessons they all experienced what is was like wearing life vests in the water.  They learned how to float on their backs, hold on to each other and how to turn over and swim in them.  Ellie was lucky to have already practiced this in a friend’s pool last year after a boating trip.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baby Doll

Ellie wanted her baby doll to be lying with Cooper.  She understood that he was too small to have things in his bassinet so she got a blanket, made a small doll bed, and put the doll next to him to sleep.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Tonight at dinner Ellie was showing me how she can snap her fingers. Normally, she will hold her hand next to your ear so you are able to hear a faint snap. Tonight, she even surprised herself by making a loud snap. She had a giant grin on her face when she realized what she had done.

Big Sister Helping

Ellie is a great big sister.  She is always willing to help Cooper by putting a blanket over him, signing to him, cuddling and kissing or giving him back his dummy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ellie and Cooper

Ellie and I were playing in the playroom with Cooper getting a little mat time next to us.  Ellie took many pictures of Cooper with my camera and then finally let me take a few pictures of the two of them.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


This is one of Ellie's custom designed headbands.

Update: Ellie has looked at this picture and remembers playing with the special ice cube in her drink.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lego Swing

Ellie and I are always busy building Lego creations.  This day we set out to build a tree that ended up having a big bed to sleep 4 Lego people and stairs for them to safely reach their bed and the top of the tree.  Then Ellie came up with the idea of building them a swing and after a little trial and error, we have a Lego swing for all to enjoy.