Sunday, September 30, 2012

Animal Hospital

A few of Ellie’s stuffed animals have small holes and Flower; the duck lost its bow.  Ellie and I set up an animal hospital.  I first patient was Flower.  Ellie went through Victoria’s ribbons to find the perfect one.  While she was doing this I carefully cut away the old shredded ribbon.  Ellie picked the new ribbon and cut it to length.  I then attached it to Flower, while Ellie kept telling me Mummy was much better at bows.  While I was finding a needle to fix the other two animals, Ellie informed me she had already fixed their holes.  I came back in the room and she had put tape over the holes.  I am sure there will be another animal hospital soon.

Friday, September 21, 2012

What is Ellie up to?

Ellie is still very tall, taller than most her friends.  If you pick her up and hold her like a baby she will say she is not a baby, she is a big sister.

She has been working on writing the alphabet and slowly starting to recognize words.  Ellie’s drawings have really improved over the last few months.  She now can draw some objects other than rainbows, even though they are still her favorite.  She will draw people, love hearts, and airplanes.

If she knows she did something wrong, she will say “ I am really sorry”  and then tell me what happen or what she did.  The last one was a few morning ago, she was playing with the toilet paper and somehow a whole new roll ended up in the toilet.  She had the good state of mind to get it and throw it out in the rubbish bin, but didn’t use the one in the bathroom, she used the kitchen rubbish.  When I can down she said she was really sorry and then proceeded to show me the half water soaked roll of toilet paper in the rubbish.

If Ellie is telling the truth or at least the truth as she knows it, she will say “for true life”

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kiwi Stamps

Do you know that Kiwi kids never get cold?  This is what Ellie tells us when she is wearing something not right for the weather; usually it is either pink or a dress that spins out.   

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Holding Hands

Now that Cooper is a little bigger, Ellie has started to play with him.  She will roll the ball to him or hand it to him if he is lying down, show him how to grab his hanging toys, tap on his belly to make him laugh.  This weekend she is going to show him how to crawl!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Photographing Ellie

Ellie loves looking at photographs of her friends and herself.  She will sit on the couch and spend 10 minutes or more flipping through all the old blog pictures and telling us stories about the photos and those moments.

While I try to capture natural pictures of her and now Cooper, she makes it a challenge.  She is either hiding, making funny faces or moving too fast and wanting me to run after her.  Then there are moments I get lucky.  This is one of those photos.  I was taking a few pictures of Cooper with Ellie in the room but not paying attention to me.   I asked her to turn around and I quickly took the picture before she knew what was happening!

Normally, I ask her if I can take pictures of her.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sleep Over Mess

One of Ellie’s best friends came over for a sleep over.  They were both very good at bed time.  They were talking but no load noises to wake up Cooper.  They both awoke early but stayed in Ellie’s room until 7.  When I went to see what they wanted for breakfast, I saw the both of them dressed in the dress up cloths and the baby dolls were all in bed sleeping.  For the rest of the room, I wasn’t sure where the floor went.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ellie's Picture

Cooper, Ellie with the longest rainbow hair, Mummy, Daddy and a tiny monkey on the bottom.  Notice Ellie is the only one with a heart tummy button.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wheels on the Bus

Ellie has learned some new parts of the Wheels on the Bus song from a few school friends.

Wheel on the bus go round and round
Teenagers on the bus go Text, Text, Text
Daddies on the bus go Wait, Wait, Wait
Then she was getting silly and added
Babies on the bus go Wah, Baa, Baa