Monday, October 29, 2012

Summer is coming

Finally the weather is getting better and the days are getting longer, summer is almost here!  Ellie now gets to enjoy running and swinging outside up to bed time.  It is amazing how much energy she has even after a long day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Water Everywhere

A few nights ago, Ellie was in the bath preparing for a Daddy and Cooper invasion.  She put the water guns in the bath for some playtime with me since we still haven’t tried them outside yet.  While the rest of us were getting ready for the bath, Ellie was having lots fun.  I came back into the bathroom and Ellie started with “Sorry Daddy” at this point I knew we were going to have a problem.  She continued with “there is water on the ceiling and the walls”.  She had figured out how to fill the water guns and then got them to squirt the water much further than she ever had before.   This was one of those tough times for me, on one side, I was very proud of her that she figured how to put that much water into the water guns and that she  was able to squirt the water to the ceiling, then the responsible side, once wasn’t enough to show off your new found skill.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pirate's Day

The local maritime museum was having a special Pirate Day.  Victoria booked Ellie and I in for a sailing on a pirate boat.  We were excited about our adventure.  We took the bus into town and Ellie picked the very back seat.  She enjoyed seeing over all the cars and once in town we had a short walk to the museum.  Ellie colored and cut out a pirate hat (not the one she is wearing in the photos) and received a balloon sword from a very energetic pirate.  We waited in line for the boat ride while watching kids have sword fights.  Once one the boat, Ellie was a little unsure of sitting on the beach at the side of the boat but she enjoyed the ride.  She was very excited when she realized the boat was going under the harbor bridge and she could see all the bridge parts from the water.   As the boat docked it started to rain and we were lucky to get off before we were too wet.  It was a great day for the two of us.  Thanks Victoria for all the planning!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Birthday Pictures

Ellie drew these pictures for Victoria’s Birthday.  The colorful one was from Ellie.  She asked me how to write the words and I wrote them on another piece of paper and then she copied them.  The other picture was from Cooper that Ellie created.  She was excited that she was able to recreate Cooper’s big hair!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ellie’s new sayings

“No way Jose” and “Holy Moly Guacamole”

Friday, October 12, 2012

Reading “Elf on the Shelf”

Ellie asked to read “E”, “Elf on the Shelf” for the first time in a while.  After I read the book to her, we talked about Santa and how it makes or buys all the presents.  Then I asked her what she wanted for Christmas.  Her reply was “Cooper needs a baby swing for Christmas.”  She didn’t have one thing she wanted but knew what Cooper needed.  When I asked again what she needed she told me to think of some ideas tonight and tell her them in the morning.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sonnie the Rabbit

Our rabbits have a new rabbit friend.  Ellie has named the wild rabbit Sonnie and he/she comes around every evening and most morning.  The rabbit’s appearance coincided with Ellie asking why we didn’t have any rabbit babies.  I hope there won’t be any bunny surprises.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Jan's Bun

Yum!  My mom has been making this breakfast bun as long as I can remember.  The recipe came from a very good family friend, Jan.  Ellie and I will make it about once a month.  We usually have a small slice and eggs or something else healthy to go with it.  On this morning, Ellie wanted to cut her piece herself. She cut a huge piece and was so happy!  

The piece that is missing out of the picture is what she cut.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hide’n Go Seek

Ellie is becoming a great hider and now has patients to wait until we find her.  Most of the time she will hide in the same places, her hiding spot down stairs is in the corner behind the curtain.  The funny thing is depending on which curtain she hides behind we can see her through the window as we are walking into the playroom!