Friday, November 30, 2012

Ellie's Yogurt

“I think the cherries are the best because they make pink.”  Ellie said this about two months ago before strawberries were in season.  Now, for breakfast every morning Ellie has fresh strawberries and Daddy’s yogurt.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Ellie, like her friends, doesn’t like boys.  They are loud and rough.  She doesn’t really play with them and on her cardboard playhouse she has a sign that reads “No Boys Aloud”.  There are a few exceptions to this rule, Cooper and sometime one or two other boys from Coffee group.  

After a weekend barbeque with a group of friends the kids were worn out after a lot of playing and running around outside.  After dinner we turned on a video for them to wind down as the adults ate their dinners.  When we went in to check on them, this is how we found Ellie!

Monday, November 26, 2012


Last week at swim lessons, Ellie swam freestyle across the whole length of the pool, 12 meters (39 feet) by herself without stopping.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


In the past I have traced Ellie on the chalkboard.  This enabled her to see how tall she was and then she could color it in.   One this day we were all playing and I thought Ellie could trace Cooper on the chalkboard. I had Ellie pick out the color of the chalk to use for each of them.  I held Cooper up but Ellie was having a hard time as Cooper kept moving his arms and trying to pull her hair.  I then tried to hold him and trace around him while he awkwardly stood there.  Ellie was next to be traced and then she created the hair and faces.  Then in case you didn’t know who was who, she put the letters on them.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Take a Picture

“Take a Picture, Daddy.”  This is what Ellie said to me when Cooper was laying on Ellie’s bed.  Ellie described how she wanted the picture; sitting up, next to each other holding Moxy and Ox.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Ellie is working hard at her spelling and writing of words.  She is now sounding out words and writing them phonetically.  She is able to get anything she wants from the grocery store as long as she writes what she wants on a piece of paper without any help.  In this picture, Victoria used a highlighter to write the words and Ellie traced over them with the red pen.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Ellie was very excited to have a very large Halloween party with all her friends.  Everyone dressed up, had lots of candy and stayed late for dinner.  This year Ellie was a Wolf and made wolf sounds all day long.  This was the first year that all the kids played with each other and we didn’t really see Ellie all day long as she was busy with all her friends.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Venus Fly Trap

Ellie was lucky to come home from the plant store with a Venus Fly Trap of her very own.  We heard from the store not to put your fingers in the plant and we have been waiting for a fly to land on it.  Granddad reduced the waiting time by catching a fly and putting it on the plant leaf.  We all sat around watching what would happen.

Ellie said “I love my Venus fly trap; I think it is very cool and I want you to see what it looks like.  Ellie”

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


While Ellie doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty working outside, she still has to where a spinny dress and a tiara. 

We were clearing out a weed filled planter and Ellie wanted to join in the work.  She noticed all the snails and wanted to keep them safe.  At first, she moved them over to the other side of the driveway but they started to move away from her.  Then she decided to put them in a bowl, which they started to climb out of.  Ellie spent a long time trying to figure out what to do with them.  She ended up putting them in the wheelbarrow with some grass and leaves for the night.   In the morning she went out to look at them and to her disappointment they escaped!