Thursday, January 31, 2013

Star Wars

Ever since Oscar, a boy at Ellie’s school, introduced Ellie to Star Wars she has been fascinated with it.  She tells us that Star Wars was real and it happened a long time ago.  She knows most of the main characters and thanks to Grandma Gwynn and Grandpa Bobby she now has Star Wars Legos.  She has only watched 2 very small parts of the movie.  One that matched her Legos and another small part to show her what the lightsaber looks like.  Here is a picture that she drew of Darth Vader.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


This was our first family outing to the zoo with Cooper.  Thanks to Papa and Oma for the Christmas gift card for the zoo passes.  We had a great day, Cooper was very good and Ellie saw many of her friends at the zoo.  We didn’t even know they were going to be there.  Ellie also took this picture of the lizard to share with everyone.  The best thing we did was walk around the zoo the opposite way of everyone else and it felt like we had the zoo to ourselves all morning.

Thanks Victoria for taking a picture of Cooper and me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Never stop learning

While I am working hard to improve my photography, Ellie is a willing subject.  It does help that the photos were at the beach and she was able to play in the water.  While we missed the tide and the special rock that she was going to stand on, I did learn a few things.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Ice Cream

One of Ellie’s presents was her own Ice Cream maker.  Santa thought that is would go with the Eskimo.  We have made one batch so far and it was very good.  The ice cream takes about 20 minutes to change from liquid form to a yummy ice cream form.  Ellie would ask every two minutes if it was ready to eat.  She was very happy when we finally said yes!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Loving Cooper

Ellie loves her brother.  She gets his toys, plays with him, and will even drag him away from places he should be.  She really wants to be able to pick him up but at the moment all she can do is hug him if we help.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Waiting for the Eskimo

Santa left a letter for Ellie that she found Christmas morning.  It said that her wish for an Eskimo for Christmas was going to take a little longer to get to her.  He said he would put it in the mail when he returned to the North Pole.  For the 3 mornings that she waited, we walked up to the mailbox first thing to see if it had arrived.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Water Fight

While most of you are in the middle of winter, we are enjoying some hot and sunny summer days.  Ellie had her best friend over the other day and they decided to have a water fight. While the Dad’s stayed mostly dry, the girls enjoyed getting wet.