Friday, April 12, 2013


Ellie loves to talk and talk and if she has sugar she will talk even more.. We have been working with her to understand that she needs to let us or someone else talk.  Because of that she came up with the idea of telling us she has a question and now she comes up and says she has 2 or 3 questions.  I don’t think this will end!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sheep Wrangling

Yesterday our neighbor came to our door asking for help wrangling his sheep.  Apparently overnight they decided the grass was greener on the other side of the fence, actually about 4 drive ways up.  Our job was to wait at the top of the drive, Ellie by the mailbox and I out in the street to coax the sheep into and down his driveway.  It was a funny sight, seeing the sheep walking down the street towards us.  Ellie held her arms up while holding the white fencing tape and the sheep went back down the drive.

I don’t have a picture of the actual event as we were in a hurry to help.  This picture was taken later that morning to show the outfit Ellie wore to work with the sheep. (She was showing me how a cat walks and I don’t remember why, while I was taking the picture)