Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pretty Pretty Horse

Ellie enjoys playing Pretty Pretty Princess.  She will make up her own rules and then has rules about what I am to do with the jewelry.  On this day, we were to decorate the horses (Ellie's new rule).  We each had our own horse and the jewelry had to be put on the same way on each horse.  In the end the horses looked beautiful and Ellie was very proud of her idea.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Logic Games

We have found an incredible game store about 20 minutes away from us.  One of our first games from there is this one called Camelot Jr.  At the store, the owner taught Ellie how to play. He started by holding up the princess piece and asking Ellie “Who this is?” and Ellie said the princess.  When he held up the prince ask asked the same thing, Ellie didn’t answer the Prince she said “Charlie”. He said that no one had ever answered like that before and now the prince is known as Charlie.  

Ellie is very good at the game and can do all the puzzles in the 2 easier levels and has started working on the harder levels.  She has taught Granddad the rules of the game and is working with him to solve a harder puzzle.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Camera!

After 6 years and 30,000 pictures (yes, I do like taking pictures), I bought a new camera.   Ellie is excited about the new camera, not because I will take more pictures of her, because she now gets the old camera. This is under the supervision of Mummy and Daddy.   There is plenty to learn with a new camera and Ellie is helping me by letting me take some pictures of her.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dolphin Sighting

We were on our way home from the beach when Victoria received a call from a friend saying there was a pod of dolphins playing in the water close to the shore one beach north.  We all piled into the car and quickly drove to the beach.  Victoria and Ellie hopped out and were able to see them but they were swimming away towards the beach we had just come from.  We decided to drive over the next beach and there, we all got to watch them play in the water. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Ellie’s writing is getting much better (even better than what is pictured) and she is writing things down without being asked.  In the picture, she wanted to make sure there was no confusion on which sour cream salsa dip belonged to each of us.  She made both of them and made mine spicier than hers.