Monday, November 25, 2013

Found a Rock

There have been times after Ellie takes a bath that we lose her.  We can’t find her anywhere, it’s like she just disappears.   Then out of nowhere a large rock is found in the house.  It sometimes is in Ellie’s room and other times it is found in the lounge.    We have even picked up the rock to see if Ellie was hiding underneath it but she wasn’t.  The only give away, is the rock starts laughing.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ice Skating

After an already big day in the city, we spotted an outdoor ice skating ring.  Ellie was so excited and wanted to ice skate.  She even said she knew how.  This was her first time on skates and it took a little while for her to get comfortable.  But she didn’t give up!  Thanks to Granddad, there is proof that both of us fell!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More practice

The say practice makes perfect and I am still practicing and as always Ellie is very patient.  Not only does she let me take a few pictures of her; she also gets in on the photography and takes a few of me.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sky Tower

Ellie had been asking to go to the Sky Tower every time she saw it.  We said that this would be a good thing to do with her grandparents when they come out and it was!  We were lucky with the weather and could see everywhere around the city.  Ellie was brave enough to stand on the glass floor and look straight down to the city street.  We all had a great time!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Game Store with Grandparents

We all enjoy going to the game store and this was a special day as Grandma and Granddad came with us.  Ellie loved show them around and out smarting us at a few games!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Bedtime Stories

It is always a special time when Ellie’s Grandparents are here to read a bedtime story.

I am way behind in the posts.  I am going to attempt to catch up over the next few weeks.