Friday, May 30, 2014

Cicadas Part 1

Every year in February, the cicadas come above ground to find a mate.  They shed their skin overnight and the kids collect them every day. This season started with Ellie filling this cup full of them.  In the beginning Cooper wanted to help but wasn’t too sure about touching them. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Pirate Suprise

On Ellie’s birthday morning, she opened her presents and had the required party treats of sugar donuts.  Then we found out about an old pirate map that was hidden somewhere in the house.  All the children looked and Ellie found it in an old bottle a few minutes later.    It took 2 kayaks (with Ellie in the lead one, holding the map) and a row boat to follow the map to find the buried treasure.  Everyone had a great time and it was topped off with an ice cream cake upon returning to the house.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lake for Ellie’s Birthday

Leading up to Ellie’s birthday, she wanted to have a party with lots of friends.  Then she found out one of her best friends was going to a lake house that we all had stayed together at the year before.  We were invited to go with them this time and we let Ellie make the decision to have a party with a group of friends or go to the lake with the two families.  She decided to go for the lake option.  We all had a great time!  

Now that Ellie is a little older she was able to do more things at the lake.  She was able to paddle the kayak by herself and also ride in the Sea biscuit. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Cooper's Bike

Ellie is having as much fun as Cooper on his new bike!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Slide Play

No child ever just goes down the slide and Ellie and Cooper are the same.  Cooper has mastered climbing up the slide and normally goes down feet first on his tummy.  Ellie likes making tunnels for Cooper to go through on his way down. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sister and Brother

They love each other and get so excited when they see each other.  Cooper always wants Ellie’s attention and follows her everywhere.  He gets very grumpy when Ellie goes to school and he can’t go in the car with her.  Ellie loves playing with Cooper and allows him to jump and bounce on her but she also likes time without him destroying her work.