Saturday, November 29, 2014

Backyard Chicks

The sun finally came out and it was time for the chicks to get out of their cage and run around.  I brought them to the back yard in a box and then let Ellie open the box.  She didn’t get very far as one of the chicks jumped up and popped out of the box.  Cooper just watched and wanted to share the soccer ball with them.  Ellie wanted to be their leader and tried to get them to follow her around. She even talked to them in chicken speak.

Friday, November 28, 2014


When Ellie heard that her cousins had snakes in their walls, she dug through her stuffed animals to find her snake.  Her snake seems to be getting pretty good treatment, sleeping in bed with Ellie and a shower.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tunnel School

Ellie was the teacher and Cooper was the student at tunnel school.  They did all sorts of tunnel work; hiding, rolling, crashing and outfit making.