Sunday, September 4, 2016

Warning – Camping part 3

After Cooper was stung by the jelly fish, Ellie and her friend made signs to warn others about the jellyfish.  They put their signs on the paths leading down to the sand. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Waterfall – Camping part 2

With the weather not perfect for spending the day at the beach, we left camp with a short drive to a beautiful waterfall.  It took about 10 minutes walking along a stream to get to the waterfall.  We had been there once before when Ellie was little.  Ellie and her friend started wading in the water and climbing the rocks.  The water was cold and they both didn’t want to swim in the pools but they did spend most of the time very close to the water.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


It was the perfect time of year to camp with some good friends.  You could lay in the tent and hear the waves crashing on the beach.  The kids seem to really enjoy camping and it take them no time to make the tent into their home.  Our tent was next to a small playground which was perfect to be able to watch Cooper while doing camping duties.  Plus, the beach and ocean were only over the sand dune.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Marble Track

Ellie is getting creative with the marble track.  Building the track higher and also making multiple paths for the marbles to roll.  Cooper will ask her for help and suggest the colour of blocks she uses.  Then they will both take one marble to test out the new track.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Race 2

Ellie was excited for the second race in the series.  This time she wanted to see what it was like to start at the front.  We walked to the starting line before the general announcement and Ellie was able to see all the lead runners line up.  Our deal was that she needed to run at the start and not slow down until the path widen otherwise she would hold up many other runners. She agreed and jumped in the first group behind the superfast runners.  She did amazing, even on the super-hot day and finished in 13:06.  1:13 better than race one, with her second lap being faster than her first and her fastest time on the course!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Our First Hike

The kids were excited to go with some friends on a little bush walk.   We pack lots of snacks, water, sunscreen and first aid items.  They were all great, Cooper walked all the way out to the beach about 2K up and down hills with his trusty stick.  The girls all found special sticks to help them walk / hit things.  The beach was a great place to stop, cool our feet, and have a snack.  On the way back the girls led the whole time and Cooper and I were at the back.  He did ride on my shoulders most of the way back.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Showing Off at the Skate Park

Ellie, Cooper and I enjoying a morning out at the skate park.  We have found the best time to go to the skate park is in the morning before all the big kids come.  They all seem to respect the little kids but the park just gets crowded.  Cooper happily rides his balance bike trying to catch up to speedy Ellie.  Ellie is getting much braver, going much faster and also trying new obstacles.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Moving on Up!

With her breast stroke perfected, Ellie gets to moved up a level at swimming. Now it is time for her to learn butterfly.  She has been with a few great teachers at this point and has to change now she is moving up a level.  Ellie is sad she can’t swim with Byron any longer.  He has really help progress her swimming and encouraged her so much along the way.   

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Race Time

It was that time of year again when we start our running race series.  Ellie was excited and looking forward to her first race of the year.  She hadn’t been running much but she has been putting a lot of time in at the pool.  She started the race at the back of the group with a friend and shortly after the start, left the friend and started running faster.  She finished the 2K race in 14:19, just a little off her last year’s best of 14:08.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Mystery Picture

There are times when I find strange pictures on my camera and phone.  This one was taken by Ellie, she had enough time to arrange her doll and animals around the office. Yes, Ellie you took this picture as the next one was a selfie you took!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Melty Sand Man

It had been a few months since my parents left and Christmas past when the paper bag in my closet started to bother me.  It was taking up space and it was time to figure out what was in there.  Too my surprise, it was the funny Christmas project I had my parents bring out for me to give them.  With Christmas in the middle of the New Zealand summer, I thought this modelling sand snowman would be a fun project.  It was, the kids had a blast making many different types of snowman.  Cleaning up the sand mess, that’s another story.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ellie’s Birthday – Part 3

It was getting dark and the beds were set up out in the lounge ready for the sleep over.  Before anyone went to bed, they had to venture into the Mermaid Cave for a crazy glow-stick blue light disco. They each picked out some music and danced, wiggled, laughed all the sugar out of there system!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Ellie’s Birthday – Part 2

After Yoga, everyone needed a little cake before the Silly String attack.  It started out in a calm manner with everyone lining up and blasting the silly string together.  Then I started to take a few picture and happen in get myself in the silly string line of fire.  What a mess!  The kids had a great time and there was silly string everywhere!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ellie’s Birthday – Part 1

Ellie decided she would invite her best friends over for a sleepover disco party.  Cooper and a good friend also took part. There was 6 of them all sleeping in our lounge at some point in the evening.  The party started with a yoga session with an amazing yoga teacher!    

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Water Fun with Friends

It was hot day and Ellie had a friend over.  The kids choose to cool off by running, sipping, chasing, jumping over and squirting water on each other. Even Cooper was brave enough to get his head and hair wet.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Train Ride

Victoria surprised all of us with a short train ride while we were downtown.   Ellie and Cooper were very excited.  They couldn’t stop talking about the train ride, the underground train station and the fact that I put our tickets in Cooper’s shirt pocket and then lost them.  Good thing I still had the receipt!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Swim Holiday Program

Before the holidays, we asked Ellie if she wanted to do the school holiday program.  It consists of a normal swim lesson, 45 minutes, each day for a week.  She eagerly said yes!  As we were discussing the schedule, we found out that Ellie could do a second week for half price.  Not thinking Ellie would say yes, we asked her.  Not only did she say “Yes”, she had a huge smile. Ellie swam 5 days straight for class, then the next day for fun with a friend.  Finally took Sunday off and then swam the next 5 days in a row. 
This was not an easy class at all. It was not one her regular two teachers.  It turned out to be a teacher of a higher level that works in the swim club pool and also for swim club.  She had the kids doing lap after lap.  Then they had races at the end of the lessons. 
Ellie had been trying to move up to the next level and the one thing holding her back was her breast stroke kick. The next level is where they start learning butterfly and they need to know to other strokes perfectly.  During the second lesson, Erin pulled Ellie aside and said to do the breast stroke kick like this.  That’s all it took, a little different instruction and Ellie was off with a perfect stroke!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Chocolate Surprise

Wow, so much sugar!  Ellie was excited to surprise me with this incredible dessert she prepared for me from all the Christmas candy.  I did eat the whole sugar filled tower but not in one sitting or one day.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Running Practice

With our summer race series getting closer, Ellie and I started practicing.  With all her swimming, she can now run from our house to the beach without stopping and has plenty of breath left to talk the whole way.  We then take a 5-minute break at the beach before we head home.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cooper Care

Ellie prepared Cooper a very confrontable bed along with his favorite toys for a nice afternoon rest.  Cooper simple loves getting attention from his sister.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Christmas Day Swim

After a very busy morning of waking Mummy and Daddy as early as possible to opening presents and family Skype calls, the afternoon is always more relaxed.  Ellie spent her time swimming with one of her best friends.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Reindeer Food

This year, we left treats out for Santa and Rudolph in the house and then Ellie sprinkled reindeer food all over the back lawn for the rest of them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Window Art

There are a few days a year where our windows get all fogged up.  Ellie took the opportunity to create some temporary artwork for everyone to see!  Both kids practice this skill in the shower (Yes, I do it also).

Monday, July 11, 2016


Ellie is looking so much older! Victoria did Ellie’s hair in braids and I was lucky enough to capture is picture.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Swimming with Friends

It was another hot summer day and Ellie and her friend were swimming.  Ellie was pretending to be the swim school teacher and instructed her friend on what stroke to use while swimming a lap.  Then Ellie would swim after her and do the same thing for the swim back to the steps.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Baking with Grandma

The kids know when Grandma is around, there will always be a yummy baking project to help with!  They have learned the best part about baking is taste testing the ingredients before they are mixed in and after as long as the eggs haven’t been added.

Friday, July 8, 2016


After trying a few spots for a Grandparent and Grandkid photo, this one of them walking down the beach came out perfect!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

This Spot

Ellie was helping me pick a spot for a Grandparents and Grandkids photo shoot.  We went to our trusty photo-shooting beach and with it being later in the day, we had to find a few different locations without too much harsh sun.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Showing Off

Ellie and Cooper were showing Grandma and Granddad how high they can swing.  This currently is Cooper’s favourite swing and he never wants to get out of it!  Ellie is now confident standing up and swinging it very high, too high for me to be comfortable.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mummy Time!

It’s hot and we have been busy, what’s better than a nap with Mummy!

Monday, June 27, 2016

West Coast Beach, Part 2 – Black sand

After a 15-minute hike from the waterfall to the incredible black sand beach, Ellie started running up this huge sand dune.  Cooper then noticed Ellie and started after her.  He only made it up half way before he started to slide down.  Ellie wanted to slide down from the tippy top!