Thursday, March 31, 2016

Guy Fawkes celebrations (Fireworks!)

The kids were so excited to watch some fireworks and this year was even better with S’mores.  They each help sparklers and cooper was amazed to see the bigger ones.  Ellie then did a fire stick dance with the other older girls. (Basically, they left their sticks in the fire long enough that they started to burn at the tip then danced around. Yes, they were away from everything and everyone.)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Bubble Potion

Ellie was concentrating while she was adding the special ingredients to her special bubble potion.  I am not sure what the potion was for but it was certainly bubbly.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Painting Food

Ellie asked if she could paint and after a “yes” she came back in the room with this cool project that she received some time ago.  She prepared everything, filled up the water jar and started painting.  It didn’t take long for her to ask if we could have donuts for breakfast the next morning.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


This year was once again filled with plenty of chocolate items.  We celebrated by going to a community Halloween party with friends.  Ellie was dressed up as a Jungle Princess.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Flashlight water hunt

Searching for underwater treasure at night with only flashlights, sound scary?  Not for Ellie, she loved it!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bungee Jumping – Higher and Higher

Ellie loves jumping and will go higher and higher even though at times she tells us she is scared of heights.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Look who was climbing

We are back, Finally!  I am going to try to catch up, we are starting around the beginning of December.
Ellie spotted a person high above her that had never climbed before and specifically said no photographs.  We all know there was no chance of that happening!  Ellie was so excited to see Mummy high above her, she quickly clipped in and set off for the top.  While she didn’t meet her at the top, she tried very hard to instruct Mummy on how to get down as Mummy would not let go of the wall and rappel.