Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ellie’s kidnapped Victoria’s body

Victoria has lost all control of her body and Ellie has taken charge. She is waking Victoria up throughout the night, yet is making her take naps in the afternoon and sometimes in the morning. Then just as Victoria is getting into bed to sleep Ellie plays “Jaws”. I am not sure what part of the body is pushing out, but it looks like a shark fin as it travels from side to side. Then it dives deep in the belly and something else sticks up on the other side. For me, it is great entertainment, but Victoria is getting tired of her antics. Yes, I have tried to take pictures of her game a few times, but that is when she stops. When I get tired of waiting and put the camera away, she starts again.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Do not open before Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching and it looks like Ellie will have to experience this one on the inside. She’s lucky though, Victoria has made a good home for her. It’s crazy to think that after all this time of borrowing kids we soon will have one of our own. There is so much in this world I want to share with her. And I am sure she will have plenty to share with me.

Check back over the next week as I will post pictures of Ellie’s room, Victoria’s new car and Christmas with our kiwi family.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Dangerous Work

I am always trying to take pictures of Victoria to put on the blog, but it’s not easy and sometimes dangerous. The brown blob on the left side of the picture is a cracker hurdled in my direction during this candid moment (the other half of which is safely stored away in Victoria’s cheek).

This week marked our first nappy (diaper) purchase. Victoria and I met with the midwife on Monday and discussed the birth plan. We have our idea of how we would like the birth to go, but I am not sure Ellie is aware of the plan. She is still poking bits out of Victoria’s belly, but like her mother she is not cooperating with the camera. I will keep trying.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Missing Pieces

Victoria and I are busy preparing for Ellie’s arrival. One bolt installed in the car for the baby seat, is next on the list. Next week we will finish up the pre-Ellie shopping. (I am sure we will forget items, but at least we will have the basics.) I think she needs an Xbox360, but I am not sure Mummy would agree. On the other hand I am having a hard time agreeing with a pony.

We have one more prenatal class Monday and then we are on our own. I have been busy reading books to be prepared. I wonder if the authors have kids or are they just making this up? Did you know that pregnancy makes a Mums brain shrink by 3% and it takes up to 6 months to it to return to pre-pregnancy size?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Baby Shower

Victoria had her baby shower last Sunday. She was so excited on Sunday morning; she said it felt like her birthday. I didn’t attend the party as I was busy, Starbucks and the beach were calling- even though it was raining outside, but I was told everyone had a great time. Things we learned – most people thought the baby would arrive on February 4th, , some baby food doesn’t taste good, and Kathy guessed the correct size of Victoria’s belly with Mom and Rose guessing much, much larger.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Taking a Break

We have had a busy few days over here with the arrival of my mom, Peggy and sister in law Kathy. Ellie is moving nonstop and you can really see her move in Victoria’s belly. If she has this much energy now, we are going to be spending all day and night chasing her around.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

All is well

Victoria and I went to see the midwife on Monday. This was the first time I went with her, but I have met the midwife before. She reports all is well with Ellie and Victoria. She also confirmed to Victoria that it is possible for her belly to grow even more.

This week we also swapped cars since the baby seat won't fit in Victoria's car. We also tried switching the sides we sleep in bed, but that failed. So Ellie's bassinet will be at the end of the bed for the first little while before she is moved into her room.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hospital Tour

Last night Victoria and I went to the North Shore Hospital for our tour. We timed our trip and it took approximately 10 minutes to get there from our house. This includes the confusion on where to park. Don’t worry, I now know! Everyone there was calm except the people on the tour. They took us to the delivery suite first, not much to say about that, and then off to the post natal suite. I had this excited rush come over me as we were walking down the hall to the suite. Knowing that I will be here soon with Victoria and little Ellie. I can’t wait. For the whole hour we were there neither of us heard a baby crying.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday 25 November

Look over here!

Victoria and I are looking forward to Ellie arriving. We thought this would be a good way to keep the family updated. Check back here from time to time, as I will try to post more entries as we get closer to the big day.