Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hospital Tour

Last night Victoria and I went to the North Shore Hospital for our tour. We timed our trip and it took approximately 10 minutes to get there from our house. This includes the confusion on where to park. Don’t worry, I now know! Everyone there was calm except the people on the tour. They took us to the delivery suite first, not much to say about that, and then off to the post natal suite. I had this excited rush come over me as we were walking down the hall to the suite. Knowing that I will be here soon with Victoria and little Ellie. I can’t wait. For the whole hour we were there neither of us heard a baby crying.


Anonymous said...

Going to the hospital for the first kid is the hardest. No problem for the next two.

Practice makes perfect.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Its really happening huh?