Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Grandma and Granddad's Visit

My parents have been visiting for the last 2 weeks. They were greeted by Ellie, drunk on milk. Ellie quickly realized that Granddad took lots of pictures and was a great place to fall asleep, while Grandma was good for cuddles, dirty nappies and cold hands. They both took Ellie for walks to the beach. While the short cuts weren’t very short they returned with a sleeping baby.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Showing Off

Ellie was posing for this picture when she decided to roll over, from her belly to back. No one could believe it, so we set her on her belly again. Then after about 1 minute she rolled over again! She has started holding her head up and is able to turn it from side to side when laying on her belly.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Ellie was the star attraction at the café scene last weekend with everyone looking at her and commenting about her full head of hair. Her schedule has been very busy with the arrival of my parents and a dinner at Geoff and Rose’s house.

She has been drinking large amounts of milk lately and is getting some chubby cheeks. Ellie is a little Houdini getting out of her swaddle wraps within a minute and is very proud when her hand brakes free.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Ellie Organized

Ellie is getting us organized. She cries and we come running. It’s not quite that bad but at times it feels like it. For a baby that is 2 weeks old, we are getting into a routine. She has been feeding every 3 hours or so and sleeps much better during the day than the night. I have been trying to help more between 9 and midnight so Victoria can get a little more sleep. She is a very good mum to Ellie.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Looks can fool you

We have been very busy this weekend. Not sure what we did as it was a blur. I don’t remember much quite time.

Ellie’s weight at one week old was almost back to her birth weight. She is alert and doesn’t want to miss anything, even if that means not sleeping during the day. She will tend to smile at you and cry at almost the same time. Very similar to the sun being out in New Zealand but it still raining on you. Nappy score is Ellie 2 – Paul 3 (I don’t understand where all the poo comes from. She is not that big.)

Friday, February 8, 2008

All is well on the home front

Victoria and I are adapting well to baby time. We have been trading off nappy changes and putting her to sleep. Victoria still rules the feeding duties for Ellie, as I have been busy trying to feed the 2 of us. My meals aren’t anything like Victoria’s food creations, but they are edible. We are hoping to get Victoria and Ellie out of the house this weekend. Sounds like a good photo opportunity.

The pictures on this blog post are two of the pictures that Megan took earlier this week. Thanks Megan!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Milk, Milk, and more Milk

Victoria wondered if she would produce enough milk for Ellie. I am not sure how much Ellie is getting, but it is everywhere, pillow, bed sheets, napkins, shirts, etc.

It has been a busy time here at home. Geoff, Rose, and family came by Tuesday night after returning home from camping to see Ellie. There was no holding them back and were very excited to see and hold her. The first night at home went as smooth as expected. Ellie fed every 3 hours and Victoria was great. I complete a nappy change at 3:30am, not that I remember much about it. I did learn from the peeing nappy change in the hospital and was prepared. I think Ellie was just testing me. She could have picked a better time, as I am not very prepared at 3:30 in the morning but I passed. The score is Ellie 1 – Paul 1.

Brenton, Megan and family came by today. They brought food for us! Megan, who is a child photographer, took lots of pictures of Ellie and a few of me and Ellie. I will show them off when we get the pictures from her.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Coming Home

Victoria and Ellie were looking good this morning with a few healthy feeds last night. The green light was given mid morning to leave the hospital. I was busy taking everything to the car and Victoria was getting ready for some sunlight. We dressed Ellie in her special going home outfit and ventured to the car. Once buckled in Ellie decided it was a good time for a cat nap before her big arrival home. It was a very cautions drive home, with no excitement. Then a feed at home and a long nap for both Victoria and Ellie. It was probably the longest sleep Victoria has had up to this point.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I was checking Ellie’s nappy today and it was a little wet, so I decided to change her. As the nappy was removed and I was reaching for the new one, she decided it was a good time to pee all over her outfit and towel. I know this is the first of many lessons for me.

Everyone is doing well today. Victoria was very happy to take a shower today. Ellie and Victoria have figured out the breastfeeding. Julia and Jason Evans (Ellie’s Kiwi Aunt and Uncle) were our first guests at the hospital today. Victoria and Ellie get to come home from the hospital on Tuesday. I am trying to get the house ready for their arrival.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Day 2

Ellie had her first bath and we discovered that her curly hair isn’t curly. She is sleeping and eating well. Victoria is healing nicely. They took her off the IV pain medicine this afternoon, which will allow her to be much more mobile. Our midwife came by today, after a good night sleep, and said she was impressed with how well Victoria did yesterday.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ellie's Birthday

Born February 1st at 5:58 PM. Weighting 8lbs 9 ounces, 53cm in length and her head is 35 cm around.

Victoria was incredible and Ellie was difficult. All of us are well and in need of sleep. We will be in touch with everyone over the next 2 days.