Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Squishy Turtle

Ellie is getting much better about holding her head up during tummy time, long enough to read the squishy turtle book. This past weekend she was on her tummy and to everyone’s surprise was able to lift one arm at a time and place it where she wanted it. Then she gave a big push and rolled over.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Shopping in Style

Look who I caught in the parking lot of our local shops. Now that Ellie is holding up her head, Victoria thought she would give the Baby Bjorn a try. Ellie enjoyed looking at everyone and at all the colours in the clothing stores. If you were wondering where Ellie found those stylish booties, Victoria made them!

Granny and Grandpa’s Visit

Once again Ellie was the center of attention during Granny and Grandpa’s (Gwynn and Bobby) visit. I think all this attention is getting to Ellie’s head. So much, that now you have to hold her facing out so she can see all her people and to check if we are looking at her. Everyone was very surprised to see Ellie using the weight of her head to pull herself forward into a sitting position.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

We’re Back

It has been almost 2 weeks since the last post. Many things have happen and I will attempt to post them over the next few days. Don’t worry the camera didn’t stop during those 2 weeks.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I can't see you

It’s getting colder and raining over here. Ellie is getting ready for winter. She has learned how to push her beanie down over her eyes when you’re not looking. Then she starts to frown and next the face goes red. If you don’t fix it by then, it is possible that you will hear a cry. If you do catch the beanie in time you could try to play “peak a boo” with her but she is still learning what Dad is trying to do.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Are you looking at me?

Ellie is mastering her face movements with many different expressions. She thinks it’s funny to stick her milk stained tongue out all the time. She can even have it out while smiling (try that if you dare). Victoria and I have recognized two 2 different sounds that she repeats from playtime to playtime. I wonder what she is trying to tell us.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dummy or not to Dummy

We have been giving Ellie a Dummy (pacifier) when we put her down to sleep. This seems to soothe her and gets her to sleep. Up to a week ago, she would cry because it would fall out when she was almost asleep and we would have to help her put it back in. Now, she is playing us with it. If she decides it’s not time for sleep, she will suck on it until we leave the room. Then she pushes it out with her tongue and starts to cry. That will get one of us suckers to go back in her room and give it back to her. This will go on a few times until either we stop playing or she gets bored and falls asleep, usually the latter.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Aunt Dianna’s visit

Aunt Dianna flew out to New Zealand to visit us and to meet Ellie for the first time. Dianna and Ellie both were so excited to see each other, there were big smiles all around. Ellie learned very quickly that the only reason her Aunt came was to give her attention. It is a good thing that Ellie is hard to resist and Dianna being a softy caved in with little effort. Ellie received plenty of cuddles and floor time from her aunt who was surprised at her strength and concentration. Victoria, Dianna, and Ellie had a full schedule of places to go around town, coffee to order, the beach, and shopping. Ellie loves her Aunt.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tummy Time

I placed Ellie on her tummy today and she held her head high. Photo opportunity came to mind. I quickly placed her on her back and grabbed the camera. I am set and the camera is ready. What I didn’t know was Ellie had a different idea. For the next 8 times, I placed her on the floor and grabbed the camera. During those brief seconds she rolled from tummy to back with a huge grin. Finally Victoria saved the day and put Ellie on the floor. This time she didn’t roll over right away and I was able to take the picture. It’s good to have Mum around.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

American Citizen

Ellie had a big day today. Victoria, Ellie, and I went to the US Consulate today for her Citizenship appointment. We went right up to the window and passed the paperwork in, noting that we were a few minutes early for our appointment. As the three of us waited, and waited, and waited, it dawned on both Victoria and I that this was much like the DVM but with much more security. Ellie was the smart one in the bunch, as she slept through most of the wait. Finally they called our name and after a little formality Ellie was a US citizen! She didn’t seem to care much and was happy to get her prize, milk, after another few minutes. She will have her US passport in about one week. We did find out that there is no problem with her having dual citizenship.