Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dummy or not to Dummy

We have been giving Ellie a Dummy (pacifier) when we put her down to sleep. This seems to soothe her and gets her to sleep. Up to a week ago, she would cry because it would fall out when she was almost asleep and we would have to help her put it back in. Now, she is playing us with it. If she decides it’s not time for sleep, she will suck on it until we leave the room. Then she pushes it out with her tongue and starts to cry. That will get one of us suckers to go back in her room and give it back to her. This will go on a few times until either we stop playing or she gets bored and falls asleep, usually the latter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny!! Mason was doing the same thing last month, so, we got rid of it!!! GOOD LUCK!