Monday, February 2, 2009

My First Birthday

Ellie turned One today. It is so hard to believe that she is One. Time goes so fast. These pictures were taken about the same time one year apart.

Ellie's Stats

Weight - 11kg or 24 pounds
Height - she doesn’t stay still for long enough to measure
Attitude – yes
Food – Eats so much fruit, Breakfast (2 eggs, plum, 1 ½ bananas, blueberries), loves waffles, tomatoes, black beans, grapes, and food she can’t have.
Tricks – Hi 5’s, kisses, cuddles, very fast crawling, assisted walking, drinks through a straw, puts her toes in her mouth, throws food, opens cabinets


Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday, Ellie!

We love you,
Granddad & Grandma

Fantastic blog, Paul.

Anonymous said...

Wow, she has grown so much! Happy 1st Birthday : )
Scott, Nicole, Campbell, and Mason