Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Talk Talk

Ellie has always been vocal. She has used multiple baby words and sounds to express what she wants or feels. There has been a big change over the last few weeks with Ellie actually saying words that all of us English speaking people would understand. (not sure if all of the words are in English, but I am horrible at foreign languages).

Ellie’s words to date: bird, toast, hello, hi, OK, shoes, yum yum, apple, up up, down, out, more, boo, dadda, mama or mah. Other words that are very close; nanana – banana, orse – horse, dis – this, dat – that.

Animal sounds are improving. Not everything says “baa” any longer. Dog’s go bark, bark, bark, Ducks go back, back (very close to quack) and Cow’s go boo, boo (again very close to moo).

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Supervisor Ellie

Victoria has been hard at work painting and putting doors on Ellie’s new toy cabinet. Ellie, on the other hand, has been busy inspecting Victoria’s handiwork.

If you were wondering why her socks are over the tights, Daddy dressed the baby.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

For the Birds

There is this beautiful bird that love to taunt me. It sits on our fence and flies away just as I get my camera out. I was lucky on this occasion to have the camera by me and snuck quietly out on our deck to take a picture. As I took the first shot, there was banging on the window next to me. Ellie was trying to get my attention. Mum, Grandma and Granddad thought this was very funny. Thanks everyone for the support.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Warning: Keep Your Handbags out of Reach

Grandma thought her handbag was safe, but she was unaware of Ellie’s ability to search and destroy. Ellie didn’t destroy, but she did test out of few products.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Two Favorite Girls

I always love seeing Victoria and Ellie playing and Ellie love the attention.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Ellie has her own wheelbarrow. She can be like mum and dad and help out in the garden. She will copy us by putting grass and sticks in it. She also tries to sit in it, thinking that we will push her around similarly to the large one. Thanks Grandma and Granddad.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Keys, mail, wallets, cell phones, watches, tools and anything small enough for Ellie to carry around the house goes missing from time to time. Yesterday, Victoria found her wallet empty and the contents in one of Ellie’s purses. The next day, she spent some time trying to locate her watch and even called me at work to see if I remembered seeing it. That night as I was putting away Ellie’s books I came across both of our watches in Ellie’s rocking chair, which has a secret compartment under the seat. It put the biggest smile on my face. She is full of surprises!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Winter at the Beach

When Grandma and Granddad came for a visit, one place they wanted to see was Shakespeare Park. They had heard it is a great place to find large shells on the beach. All of us were disappointed to learn that the park was closed on the day we visited. So we went to the next closest beach.

Our plan was to get Ellie dressed in her new waterproof and fleece lined overalls so she would stay dry and warm on the cold winter’s day. But, there was a flaw in the plan. The first thing Ellie did was walk right into the ocean and the water went up her pant leg. So much for staying dry! After that we just let her play in the sand and water. The good news her legs were still warm when I changed her in the car.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Ellie has just started using crayons to create her master pieces. Her attentions span for colouring is very limited, but she is fascinated by the broken blue crayon. (That she broke)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Rain in New Zealand

It may be a surprise to some, but it does rain here in New Zealand. Actually, it rains a lot. Ellie loves water and could care less if it is raining, as long as she can be outside.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Grandma and Granddad’s visit

Grandma and Granddad came out to visit Ellie last week. Ellie had a wonderful time with so much attention. She talked and talked to them. She pointed out birds and took them to see the horse that says “Baa”. Grandma took Ellie on a ride in the wheelbarrow and Granddad laughed as Ellie was banging on the window as I was trying to photograph a bird. For the first time, Ellie got to play the wake up Granddad game. Poor Granddad never gets any sleep.