Monday, May 31, 2010

Don’t Touch the Mushrooms

At the moment we have giant mushrooms (or toadstools) growing in our backyard.  Ellie likes to walk down to see them and will point out each and every one to you.  She will tell you which are the baby ones, the big ones, the dead ones, or the ones Daddy cut with the mower.   She knows not to touch, but she does get very close.

Monday, May 24, 2010


The rain has started and Ellie loves all the water to play in.  We went down to the stream at the bottom of the property and stepped in every puddle that didn’t look deep enough to get her feet wet.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ellie Can

Ellie can count from 1 to 10 without 8, is singing songs, and is starting to say the ABCs, but she calls them FLPS or any other combination of letters that comes to mind. Tuesday, Ellie for the first time walked on her hands while I held her legs (Wheelbarrow) which I have been trying to get her to do it for a year now.  She now walks up the stairs with and without the railing and jumps off the bottom stair.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Attack of the sea life

This Baby doll is going to be scared of fish for the rest of her life. 

Ellie gets to put the fish in the shower each night before she gets in.  It didn’t take Ellie too long to try to stick the fish other places during her shower.  They stick very well to the shower glass and walls, but not to her.  Then a few days ago, when baby need a shower (Ellie said “Baby doll very dirty daddy”), Ellie tried to stick the fish to the doll and it worked.  Poor baby had fish stuck all over her.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Ellie and Daddy have a new morning activity, flashlight exploring.   This is made possible by Ellie waking up around 6 and the sun not rising until 6:30.  The flashlight is only pointed in three directions at the moment; up on the ceiling, down on the floor so she can step on the light, and in her face.  None of these positions help with seeing where you are walking, but she doesn’t care.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day

Ellie is a very lucky little girl to have a Mummy that loves her so much. Ellie and I had a special Daddy’s and Daughter’s day at her school were we made a little card and holder for Mum.  This is not a surprise to Mummy because the glue and paint was so goopy and applied very generously that it wasn’t going to dry in time for me to bring it home, so Victoria picked it up when she went for Ellie later in the day.

Our plans for Victoria are to sleep in, have breakfast in bed, and Starbucks with the three of us in the afternoon.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Feeding Spike

It is Ellie’s job to feed Spike, the cat.  She takes the job seriously and wants to feed him twice a day.  The poor cat can’t keep up with Ellie’s feeding schedule.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Peeking around the corner

This is how I found Ellie the other morning while I was cleaning up.  She acquired Daddy’s hat, laid out her “working” mats, and set off to work on one of her educational games.  If you look closely you can see that different colour rings are stacked together.  When I came back 10 minutes later her games were put back on the shelf with all the rings in the correct order and her working mat was put away. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ellie’s Reading Nook

Victoria, being the super mum that she is, created this comfortable area for Ellie to sit and read or feed her baby.   This is also where Daddy and Ellie sit, cover in blankets with Moxy and Ox, at 6:15 in the morning to read while we wait for the sun to come up and the heater to start heating down stairs.