Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Peeking around the corner

This is how I found Ellie the other morning while I was cleaning up.  She acquired Daddy’s hat, laid out her “working” mats, and set off to work on one of her educational games.  If you look closely you can see that different colour rings are stacked together.  When I came back 10 minutes later her games were put back on the shelf with all the rings in the correct order and her working mat was put away. 


meg said...

You have been a busy blogger recently Paul (or does Victoria do some? Hi Victoria). I'm not feeling very bloggy myself lately. Nice to see her doing that Montessori thing :o)

Victoria said...

Nope, it is all Paul doing the blogging. I love it because it is as much fun for me to see the new posts as it is for everyone else. Starting taking Ellie to parent and baby Montessori classes when she was only 15 months or so. She is now going to the Montessori in Riverhead two mornings a week. We were so lucky to get her in there.