Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Holiday Time - Part 1

A few weeks ago, Ellie had her first big car trip.  Victoria had been planning this trip for a while with Ellie’s best friend’s parents.  We had our car full of everything we needed, which left little room for Victoria and I, but not Ellie, she had more room and toys than she knew what to do with.  The other family had their car and boat packed also.  The boat did have some of our things.  We left on our 5 hour drive early giving us time to stop and let the kids play.  We made it safely to the bach in the afternoon and set up to unpack and let the girls run around. 


Granny and Grandpa said...

Oh My! She looks so grown up. We can hardly wait for Part 2 pictures. I know you all had a super vacation. Hugs to all.

Meg said...

I was going to say the same thing! She looks like a big kid now... doesn't seem that long ago she was born.