Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Ellie and I surprised Victoria this weekend with an early surprise birthday present. Two alpacas!  Many of you might be thinking, why would we get alpacas for Victoria, but why not?  Actually, Victoria went on a school field trip with Ellie a few months ago to an alpaca farm and has wanted them ever since.  We even had the alpaca people out to look at our property to make sure that our paddock was suitable for them.  With the help of our friends, we made the necessary changes to the fence on Saturday evening and then the alpacas arrived Sunday morning.

Just a note: I jumped ahead in the blog entries, to share this with you and will jump back to the correct order. 


meg said...

they're so cute (and quite photogenic too I imagine).

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for my sweater.


grandma said...

They are cute!

Not many children can say they have Alpacas for pets.