Friday, September 30, 2011

New Aplacas

Ellie, Victoria and I welcomed 2 new alpacas into our family.  We now have 4 alpacas eating, sleeping, and playing in our paddock.  They were named before coming to us, faerytale and Bubba, but Ellie has already changed their names to packa Spike and packa Ellie.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coloured Light

Ellie has had a fascination for light bulbs for the last few years.  She will spot the bulb that is not working and tell us that we need to take her to the light bulb shop to get a new one.  While there, she will take herself to the lava lamp display and watch the bubbles change shape.

For a while now she has been asking for a red bulb for her room.  While we didn’t just want a red bulb in her lamp, I found this one that can change colours.  She helped me install a new light fixture and put the new special bulb in.  Now, she has a little remote that she can choose the colour of the light that she wants and picks the colour to go to sleep with. 

The light isn’t as bright as the pictures makes it look.  The exposure was 3 seconds long for each shot.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Holiday Wrap-Up

Thanks to everyone for making our holiday one to remember.  It was great catching up with all our family and Ellie is still talking about the things she did and the places we visited.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pool Time

It doesn’t matter where in the world Ellie is, she loves water and even better than water is her getting wet in the water.   Ellie spent many hours swimming while we were on holiday.  These pictures are from Uncle Scott and Aunt Nicole’s pool where she was brave enough to jump off the rock cliff about 4 feet up from the water.  Once she safely splashed down, she kept jumping and jumping.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Ellie went to the aquarium with her cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.  The kids had a great time looking at all the fish and the divers that were cleaning the tanks along with the outdoor play area where they could spray each other with water.  Ellie was even lucky enough to touch a shark.

At the aquarium we also met Ellie the Harbor Seal.  All the kids pointed to the harbor seal they though was Ellie.  No one agreed but they all had fun looking.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Horse Ride

Ellie had her first horse ride thanks to Aunt Nicole and Uncle Scott.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Why wear one pair of sunglasses when you can wear 3?

This picture was taken on the way back to Grandma and Granddad’s house after our family portrait.