Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coloured Light

Ellie has had a fascination for light bulbs for the last few years.  She will spot the bulb that is not working and tell us that we need to take her to the light bulb shop to get a new one.  While there, she will take herself to the lava lamp display and watch the bubbles change shape.

For a while now she has been asking for a red bulb for her room.  While we didn’t just want a red bulb in her lamp, I found this one that can change colours.  She helped me install a new light fixture and put the new special bulb in.  Now, she has a little remote that she can choose the colour of the light that she wants and picks the colour to go to sleep with. 

The light isn’t as bright as the pictures makes it look.  The exposure was 3 seconds long for each shot.


meg said...

That light is super cool! Hey Paul, a photographer I know (Rory is setting up an off camera flash group soon and B thought you might be keen?

Gwynn and Bobby said...

That is the coolest light effect we have ever seen. Ellie, you are a lucky young lady to have such a special room.

dianna said...

thats my hippie baby right there...