Thursday, January 5, 2012


In Ellie’s book “The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything” the old lady gets chased by shoes, pants, a shirt, gloves, a hat and a scary pumpkin head. In the end the lady tells them that she is not afraid of them and they are unhappy because they don’t have a purpose anymore.  So the old lady gives them an idea of what else they could do and the book ends with them being a scarecrow in the lady’s garden and scaring all the crows away.

Ever since we started talking about a garden, Ellie has talked about having a scarecrow to scare all the crows away. Now every morning we can look out our windows and see the scarecrows doing their job.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

They seem to be keeping the birds away, as well as startling many of our friends who think there are people standing in our garden!