Friday, February 3, 2012


All Ellie wanted from Santa this Christmas was a big trampoline. She told us that because Santa was bringing her a large trampoline he wouldn’t have room in his sleigh for presents for Mum and I.  She was also very specific about the trampoline being under the Christmas tree in the box, not put together in the play area. 

The day after Christmas, Ellie and I put the trampoline together.  She wanted to make sure that pictures were being taking of all the work we were doing for the blog. (Yes, she now asks me to take pictures for the blog).  The first picture is her lying on the trampoline box to show how big the trampoline is.

Next was, Daddy follow these directions. Then after reading the directions, we started to take parts out of the box.  That was when she realized the box would make a perfect pretend boat and inside were paddles she could use. She continued playing in the boat (box) while I was busy setting out the other parts and assembling the outer ring.  Once that was complete it was time to unfold the trampoline matte.  Ellie tried jumping on it a few times without much success and then decided it would make a good hiding place.  That is when we noticed a few small black crickets hopping around.  We caught a few of them and Ellie held them in her hands for a while.

The directions said the next step was putting on the springs but Ellie found another use for them.  Just like the hanger art she loves to create, she created spring art.  After convincer her to give the springs back to me, I put the rest of the base and the matte together.  Ellie had a chance to get on the trampoline before for the net was complete to test it but only little hops not big jumps.

With our project almost complete and the net part way on and Ellie on the trampoline asking time and time again if it is complete, I cut my finger attaching one of the side poles.  Ellie saw that something was wrong and pointed out that there was blood on my finger.  She then took me by my hand and told me I had to wash it and then she would put a plaster on it for me.  On the way to the bathroom she kept asking if it hurt and if she could look at it again.

After a total of four and a half hours, many questions, breaks on the step, and a plaster; the trampoline was complete and Ellie was thrilled to start jumping.

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