Sunday, September 9, 2012

Photographing Ellie

Ellie loves looking at photographs of her friends and herself.  She will sit on the couch and spend 10 minutes or more flipping through all the old blog pictures and telling us stories about the photos and those moments.

While I try to capture natural pictures of her and now Cooper, she makes it a challenge.  She is either hiding, making funny faces or moving too fast and wanting me to run after her.  Then there are moments I get lucky.  This is one of those photos.  I was taking a few pictures of Cooper with Ellie in the room but not paying attention to me.   I asked her to turn around and I quickly took the picture before she knew what was happening!

Normally, I ask her if I can take pictures of her.

1 comment:

Pa Pa said...

GREAT PHOTO !!!! What a wonderful smile. What a charming young lady. What lucky parents .....