Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ellie Updates

Ellie had an amazing time at her dance performance.  She danced very well.  At intermission, we were able to congratulate her and she sat in the audience with me for the second half of the show (Victoria took Cooper home for a well-deserved sleep).  Ellie was excited to see her instructor dance on stage and yelled out to me that 2 of the older girls helping out in her class were on stage dancing.

Ellie swam in a friend’s pool for 2 hours this weekend.  She didn’t need any help from me and even dove to the bottom of the pool, shallow and deep end, to retrieve sinking disks, tubs, and a few rocks by herself. 

1 comment:

Pa Pa said...

Very exciting things going on down under. Both big sister and little brother are growing up so fast !!