Saturday, February 2, 2013

Turning 5

Ellie is 5 today!  I am not sure where all the time has gone but she is an amazing kid.  She is a very good swimmer and will currently tell you the story of how she was so fast she almost ran over her swim teacher.  She loves swinging, whether here at home or at any playground, she will always sit and swing for the longest time. She still tries to get us to put her into the baby swing seat.  She doesn’t have one favorite food but anything sweet will satisfy her.  Her next favorite food is Sushi then pasta but it changes often.  As for crafts, beading is at the top of the list then anything with glue, coloring, and drawling. She can write letters and knows all the letter sounds.  She is just starting to read simple words.  One thing she really enjoys is reading (looking at books).  She can’t get enough.  Each night she falls asleep after a few stories read from us and then many stories by herself after we say good night.  She usually is asleep on top of a book or one of her stuffed animals.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Ellie, you look like a princess.
Happy 5th Birthday!

Thank you for the memories, Paul.