Thursday, July 11, 2013

Climbing Together

Ellie and two friends went back to the kids climbing wall center.  Ellie warmed up on the easy wall and then moved to more challenging walls.  She was watching her friend James climb all the way up some of the much harder wall when she decided to try one of them.  She only made it a quarter of the way up at first.  James decided to go and help Ellie.  He clipped in to the wall next to Ellie and climbed over onto her wall.  Then the two of them climbed together to the top!

Here is some background on the climbing day.

For my birthday, Ellie invited a group of friends to my birthday party (there was no party planned).  This all happened without Victoria or I knowing.  Victoria found out by one of Ellie’s friend’s mums calling asking about the party. We then told Ellie that we would do something with her friends at a later date and not on my birthday.  Then a few days later, on my birthday afternoon, Ellie started to help Victoria prepare a few things when she started to get very upset and started crying because her friends that she had invited weren’t here for the party.  We then explained that even though they weren’t coming tonight but we would have a little party at the climbing place in a few weeks.  While she liked this idea, she still wanted her friends to come over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that is just so special of Ellie to try a surprise party for you. So young, so thoughtful. You have a real charmer in that child. We love you Ellie. Grandma Gwynn, Grandpa Bobby