Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sitting Still

For some reason the kids don’t like to sit still around me, even if the television is on.  Ellie will sit quietly but if she sees Cooper and I playing on the floor, she will jump right in (literally).

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Penguin Carrier?

We are borrowing this child backpack from friends to give Cooper a better and higher view when we take walks to the beach and playground.  We have used it a few times and Ellie thought it would be a good idea to give it a test run before Cooper gets in it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lip Gloss Later

Victoria had said to Ellie that she could put some lip gloss on later.  This was to be around the time she was going over to a friend’s house for dinner and a sleep over.  This is what Ellie told me when I asked her if she had asked to use the lip gloss.

“Daddy, Mummy said I could put it on later and that was a little time ago.  Now is a little later, Mummy didn’t say a little later or a lot later.  So I chose a little later.  Ok Daddy”

Note:  This post jumps about a month ahead in the blog timeline but I didn’t want to forget this moment.  She looks so old in this photo and it is very odd for me to see her like this.  Funny thing is photos from the same weekend she looks much younger.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Walking to the Beach or It's Not Fair

From our new home, we all can walk to the beach.  While Ellie is happy to walk down to the beach and get a snack for the way back.  She doesn’t think it’s fair that Cooper gets pushed back up the hill! 

“It’s not fair” is from a book Ellie received when Cooper was born.  It is about a girl whose baby brother gets away with things because he is a baby then half way through the book things change as “It’s not fair” come from the baby as his sister gets to do fun big girl things.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Spin Art

Victoria found this very cool thing for Ellie do over the weekend, Spin Art! Ellie was excited about painting but didn’t understand how it worked.  She put on a large smock and was shown how to apply the paint.  During the process, Ellie found out that all the spin art painting from the weekend was going to be mounted on the wall outside the studio.  She made sure that we knew that her art was going to be hanging for everyone to see.

In the picture, Ellie is pointing to her record.  It is the one in the middle row above her finger with the orange center.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Follow the Leader

Cooper wants to be just like Ellie and Ellie is happy to lead.  She shows him how to dance, helped him walk, gives him food and loves making him crazy!