Friday, December 14, 2007

Missing Pieces

Victoria and I are busy preparing for Ellie’s arrival. One bolt installed in the car for the baby seat, is next on the list. Next week we will finish up the pre-Ellie shopping. (I am sure we will forget items, but at least we will have the basics.) I think she needs an Xbox360, but I am not sure Mummy would agree. On the other hand I am having a hard time agreeing with a pony.

We have one more prenatal class Monday and then we are on our own. I have been busy reading books to be prepared. I wonder if the authors have kids or are they just making this up? Did you know that pregnancy makes a Mums brain shrink by 3% and it takes up to 6 months to it to return to pre-pregnancy size?


Anonymous said...

I think Paul is making that bit up about the brain shrinkage!!! I'd like to see some scientific proof on that one!

Anonymous said...

Paul is NOT making that up. It's true. Not only that, but if you crunch the numbers. 3% added to 6 months comes out to 3+6. Add to that, zero (which means nothing anyway) and you have 3+6+0. Now that, if you lay it out, is 360. It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to preface that with Xbox, which, when you further work it out, amazingly renders Xbox360. Call me silly, but if that is not a sign, I really don't know what is.

A pony would be nice, much clean-up is there with an Xbox?

Anonymous said...

That all sounds like boy logic to me!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support. I knew there was logic in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Just trying to keep things lively !!

dianna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dianna said...

OMG...boys! I'd like to see you pull an Xbox360 out of your...okay never mind i take that back I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THAT.

Anonymous said...

Kind of makes you wonder what the "removed" post said, huh?

Anonymous said...

Re: Xbox vs. Pony - the pony is easier to clean up after.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for the pony!! That will help me talk Scott into one for Campbell if Ellie has one first!! I love this picture of her name...its beautiful!