Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Victoria and I have been busy finishing off the small list of things we need to do before Ellie arrives. Ellie now has a small table lamp in her room for nighttime feeds, baby monitors have been checked (played with), and bedding and baby clothing have been washed. Victoria has been gathering items for her hospital bag. I am procrastinating and haven’t started yet. I am making a list of phone numbers to take to the hospital and emails to send everyone the good news. If any of you have a certain number you wish us to call please send me an e-mail.

At the last midwife appointment we found out that Ellie has moved lower in Victoria’s pelvis and is in the correct position. Next appointment is Wed the 9th with our substitute midwife, as our regular midwife is on holiday until the 15th of January

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